function readOnly(count){ }
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Is it possible to compress phone # is the reverse of the phone number (example phone # 2177627123 search phone # = 3217267712) in apex?????
There is no pre-built method to do this, but you can make use of string methods like length, substring (more info here -
May be copy each number starting from end [ Phone.substring(phone.length()-1, phone.length()) ] from last character and repeat this in a loop by decreasing the startIndex and endIndex of substring method.
To illustrate what abhi was saying, try something like this:
String forward = '2177627123'; String reverse = ''; for (Integer i = forward.length()-1; i >= 0; i--) { reverse += forward.substring(i, i+1); } system.debug(reverse);
Winter 13 adds a new String method 'reverse' as in String sReversed = s.reverse(); See
Hi ramk,
public class ReverseNumber { public static void getreverseNumber(integer Number) { integer Number2=Number; integer rev=0; while(Number2>0) { rev=(rev*10)+math.mod(Number2,10); Number2=Number2/10; } System.debug('reverse1 --> '+num); System.debug('reverse --> '+rev); } }
There is no pre-built method to do this, but you can make use of string methods like length, substring (more info here -
May be copy each number starting from end [ Phone.substring(phone.length()-1, phone.length()) ] from last character and repeat this in a loop by decreasing the startIndex and endIndex of substring method.
To illustrate what abhi was saying, try something like this:
Winter 13 adds a new String method 'reverse' as in String sReversed = s.reverse(); See
Hi ramk,
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