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search filter on master object
in a search dialogue (pop up window), i only want to search on records that have a specific master-id.
I.e. i have employers, and each employer has multiple employees. When i have selected an employer on my VF page, and the user wants to search for an employee, he must search within that employer, so he cannot find employees that have a different employer as parent.
Thus,employee has a master-detail relationship with employer.
Is this achievable without doing anything in my VF page/controller?
We can create lookup filters only specific to Users, userProfiles, record types and specific to fields of the master object, I do not thik that you can aceive this without customizing you VF page.
I had the same requirement for one of my project and we implemented custom loop up functionality, I careted a new Custom VF page and opening that custom VF page on click of the lookup icon(look up search icon), this page is custom VF page and I am showing the records only specific to my requirement.
Thank You!!
thx for your respons. Did you create this custom VF page as pop up window, and if so, did you manage to close that pop up window and return to the original page with the selected row(id)?
Yes, I managed to close the pop up window on selection of a record from the pop up window and update the field on the parent page with the selected value.
I used standard salesforce javascript(same javascript function used by salesforce to close popup and update parent page) to clsoe pop window and update the parent page.
Note: I can share the block of code once I go home today after office.
Thank You !!
Deshraj Kumawat
Certified Developer | Certified Administrator
if you can send me the code, you will make me unbelievably happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sure, I will share the Code by tonight (EST).
Deshraj Kumawat
Certified Developer | Certified Administrator
Great, many thanks in advance!
Hi, did you manage to find the code, hope it is not lost..