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how to test the code...or write test class?
i have written a code for the show this functionality..
There is an custom button on contact record page...on the click of this button an vf page will open which will show 5 fields of this contact and 5 fields of the account associated with this contact..
i have written this code..please help me writing test class for this code..
public class contactdetail
public Contact con{get;set;}
public string retid{get;set;}
public PageReference pr;
public List<Contact> contactrecord{get;set;}
public List<Account> cppz;
public List<Contact> oppz;
public contactdetail(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
pr=new PageReference('/'+retid);
Public PageReference Contactdetails()
return pr;
public List<Contact> getOppz()
Contact con1= [Select id FROM Contact where id =];
if ( == null)
return null;
oppz = [Select c.FirstName, c.Fax, c.Email, c.Department, c.Birthdate, c.AssistantName From Contact c where c.Id =];
return oppz;
public List<Account> getCppz()
Contact con2= [Select id ,AccountId FROM Contact where id =];
if (con2 .AccountId == null)
return null;
cppz = [Select a.Type, a.Phone, a.Name, a.CreatedDate, a.Birthday__c From Account a where a.Id = :con2.AccountId ];
return cppz;
these links will help
if you are unable write please let me know
i read these.please help how do i call my class methods in class and insert records into test class.