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IF () on VF Page
How to use something like this..
<td >
<apex:outputText value="{0, number, $###,###,###,##0.00}">
<apex:param value="{!IF(list.size>1,list[1].FieldValue,'$0.00')}"/>
IF() is looking okay, but I think list[1].FieldValue does not work on visualforce , you need to do it in some other way.
you can use If condition in apex:param...
here is some sample of code you can refer...
I have designed a page..which shows Account Type and Account Industry Filed.when you choose "Other" then helooo will appear..or when you choose "Industry " from Account Industry field then helo check will apear...
I am passing one parameter for those two things by using If condition..
Here is my page...
Here is my controller..
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