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IDs in IN clause not giving results
Can anyone please let me know, how to retrieve database records using IDs in 'IN' clause for a query on a custom object.
The below query
select Id, Name from <customObject>__c gives all records
But, if a where clause is added to filter by Ids, no results are displayed.
For example,
select Id, Name from <customObject>__c where ID in (Set<String>) -> gives no results
Take this as :
Use Set as below :
Set<Id> test = New Set<Id> ();
List<customObject__c> Test2 = [select Id, Name from customObject__c where ID IN:test ];
All Answers
Take this as :
Use Set as below :
Set<Id> test = New Set<Id> ();
List<customObject__c> Test2 = [select Id, Name from customObject__c where ID IN:test ];
Use like this:
set<Id> setIds = new set<Id>();
for(Account objA :[select id,name from Account]){
List<Account> lstA = [select id,name from Account where ID IN : setIds];
Thank you for the solution.
I was using a custom query manager to exceute the query.For some reason, the code was not identifying the binding variable.
A direct call of Database.execute(query) worked.