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Everton CP7
Email notification to another task owner
Hi there,
I was trying create a trigger to send an email notification for another task owner when the first task is completed.
And they have a relation in the same case.
My code is getting error:
trigger EmailOwners on Task (before update) { static final String SUBJECT = 'TESTE'; static final String BODY = 'Relativo a: {0}\nStatus: {1}\nAssunto: {2}\nComentário Enviado: {3}\nComentário de Conclusão: {4}'; List<Id> ownerIds = new List<Id>(); for (Task task : { if (task.Subject == 'Impressão - Preencher quantidade de fotos') { ownerIds.add(task.OwnerId); } } List<User> owners = [Select Id, Email from User Where Id in :ownerIds]; Map<Id,String> ownerIdsToEmails = new Map<Id,String>(); for (User owner : owners) { ownerIdsToEmails.put(owner.Id,owner.Email); } Map< Id, Case > cases = new Map< Id, Case >( ); for(Task record: ) { if (record.WhatId != null && record.WhatId.getSObjectType( ) == case.SobjectType ) { cases.put( record.WhatId, null ); } } for (Task task : { if (task.Subject == 'Impressão - Formando tem fotos separadas?' && task.status == 'Conclúido'){ if (new String[] {cases.put(task.whatid)}) try { Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.setToAddresses(new String[] {ownerIdsToEmails.get(task.ownerId)}); mail.setSubject(SUBJECT); String url = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/' + task.WhatId; mail.setPlainTextBody(String.format(BODY,new String[]{ url, task.Status, task.Subject, task.Description, task.Coment_rio_de_conclus_o_de_tarefa__c })); Messaging.SendEmailResult[] result = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {mail}); if (!result[0].isSuccess()) { System.debug(LoggingLevel.ERROR, 'Failed to send email'+result[0].getErrors()[0].getMessage()); } } catch (System.EmailException ex) { System.debug(LoggingLevel.ERROR, 'Encountered EmailException'); } } }
When task with subject = "Impressão - Formando tem fotos separadas?" is completed.
The task owner with the subject = "Impressão - Preencher quantidade de fotos" will recieve an email notification.
Just send the email only when the whatID is the same.
What is the error message you are getting.
Thanks !
I'm getting trouble with "MAP".
"Unexpected token: MAP".
I can't enter in some page documentations here.
I leave the proxy here and the same happens.
It is still not clear,I mean the error is on which line.Could you please elaborate?
Line 19.
Map< Id, Case > cases = new Map< Id, Case>( );
Everything looks good except spaces.Can you remove spaces and try :-
Map<Id,Case> cases = new Map<Id,Case>();
I changed there and the error proceed.