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Everton CP7Everton CP7 

Create task in same related to

Hi there,


I made a code to create a task when another task have fotos_encontradas__c == 'NÃO'.

The code works fine, but whatid is not the same.


How I made my task open in same whatid?



trigger CriarTarefa_Pendencia_Duomind_Enviar_novamente_as_foto on Task (after update) {

    List<Task> task = new List<Task>();
    for (Task newTask: Trigger.New)
        if (newtask.fotos_encontradas__c == 'NÃO' && newtask.subject == 'Pendência Duomind' && newtask.status <> 'Concluído'){
                 task.add (new Task(
                     Subject = 'Pendência Duomind - Enviar novamente as fotos',
                     Status = 'Não iniciado',
                     ActivityDate =,
                     OwnerId = '005U0000000EtIH'));   
   insert task;

Thanks ! 

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I don't see where you are trying to set the what ID at all.


Perhaps something like this is what you need:  WhatID = :NewTask.WhatID

All Answers


I don't see where you are trying to set the what ID at all.


Perhaps something like this is what you need:  WhatID = :NewTask.WhatID

This was selected as the best answer
Everton CP7Everton CP7

I don't believe  !!!


I forgot this...


Thanks Colemab !




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