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picklist value in Trigger



I have an inherited trigger in which I want to conditionally set the subject of a new task depending the value of a picklist field.  For some reason the trigger cannot read the picklist value... it's not blank, and never is, it actually has a default value.  Below is the significant snippet of the trigger.  The troublesome picklist field is name Initial_Lead_Type__c.  When I try to set my task subject directly to the picklist value, it ends up blank.  Any ideas?  Thanks in Advance.


trigger GuestCard_Sharing on Guest_Card__c (before insert, before update, after insert, after update)
if (Trigger.IsAfter)
if (Trigger.IsInsert)
Id leadrtid = [select id from Recordtype where SObjectType = 'Task' and Name = 'Pilot Lead Process' limit 1].id;
list<Task> newtasks = new list<Task>();
for (Guest_Card__c gc :
//Only create Task for non-Leased GCs owned by real Users
if ((gc.Status__c != 'Leased')
&& (gc.Initial_Lead_Type__c != 'Email')
&& (((String)gc.OwnerId).substring(0,3) == '005'))
newtasks.add(new Task(
OwnerId = gc.OwnerId,
RecordtypeId = leadrtid,
AVB_Type__c = 'Lead Pursuit Process',

Subject_Sub_Category__c = gc.Initial_Lead_Type__c,

ActivityDate =,
AVB_Associate_First_Last_Name__c = gc.AVB_Associate__c,
WhatId = gc.Id
} //end for gc :

if (newtasks.size() > 0)
insert newtasks;


Jeff MayJeff May

I would add some system.debug() statements to the code and check right before the assignment to see what the value is.