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chowdary marella
How to stamp a date in custom field . i have created a formula field IF( ISPICKVAL(Confirmed__c, 'yes') , today() ,'').
in picklist if yes is selected, today date should populate, when no is selected it should give no value.
Try this, by creating a formula field which returns Date type
IF( ISPICKVAL(Confirmed__c, 'yes') , today() , null)
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Firstly i tried with workflow.created a pickist confirmed__c with yes,no. and date fields as datestamp__c .
when yes is selected i have updated with
Formula:: Value Today()
when yes is selected iam able to get the date of today. but when i update with NO ,,,, the same date is remains unchanged..
I have selected every time created and edited only,,, but when NO is selected,date is not auto hidding
Try this, by creating a formula field which returns Date type
IF( ISPICKVAL(Confirmed__c, 'yes') , today() , null)
given filter OR. so working
If you want to actually record when that field changes to "Yes", then a workflow rule + field update is the way to go. If you need to remove the date if it changes back to "No" then it's a simple matter of another workflow rule + field update, just in reverse.