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Trigger for Events created for Accounts

Hi All,
My requirement is to restrict users to save EVENTS thats being created for ACCOUNTS based on the below criteria.


If the START DATE of the Event is greater than TODAY ,"YOR_Activity_Status__c" cannot be set to "Completed" and the DESCRIPTION field cannot be NULL.


Below is the Events trigger thats being written to achieve this:


I am getting this error message while saving:


Please help me to solve this and correct if I am wrong.


Error: Error: Invalid Data. 
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger myTrigger caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: myTrigger: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.FinalException: Record is read-only: Trigger.myTrigger: line 3, column 1



trigger myeventvalidation on Event (after insert,after update) {
Set<Id> accIds = new Set<Id> ();
List<Account> lstAcc;
for(Event e: {
if(e.StartDateTime > && e.YOR_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed' && e.Description ==NULL) {
e.addError('Not Possible');

lstAcc = [Select Id from Account where ID IN: accIds];

for(Event e: {
if(Trigger.isInsert) {
for(Account a: lstAcc) {
if(e.StartDateTime > && e.YOR_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed' && e.Description ==NULL) {
e.addError('Not Possible');

else if(Trigger.isUpdate) {
if(e.StartDateTime > && e.YOR_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed' && e.Description ==NULL) {
for(Account a: lstAcc) {
if(a.Id == e.WhatId) {
e.addError('Not Possible');

update lstAcc;


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
try this

trigger UpdateAccountYORDateNew on Event (before insert,before update)
Set<id> accIds = new Set<id>();
List lstAcc;
for(Event e:
if(String.valueOf(e.WhatId).startsWith('001') && e.APN_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed')
if(e.StartDateTime > && e.APN_Activity_Status__c== 'Completed' && e.Description == NULL)
e.addError('Not Possible');
lstAcc = [Select APN_Last_Activity_Date__c from Account where ID IN: accIds];
for(Event e:
if(e.APN_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed')
for(Account a: lstAcc)
if(a.Id == e.WhatId)
a.APN_Last_Activity_Date__c = System.Today();
else if(Trigger.isUpdate)
if(e.APN_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed' && Trigger.oldMap.get(e.Id).APN_Activity_Status__c != 'Completed')
for(Account a: lstAcc)
if(a.Id == e.WhatId)
a.APN_Last_Activity_Date__c = System.Today();
update lstAcc;

All Answers

Actually closing brackets are wrong i correct them

trigger myeventvalidation on Event (after insert,after update)
Set<Id> accIds = new Set<Id> ();
List<Account> lstAcc;
for(Event e:
if(StartDateTime > TODAY() && YOR_Activity_Status__c = 'Completed' && Description ==NULL)
e.addError('Not Possible');
lstAcc = [Select name from Account where ID IN: accIds];
for(Event e:
for(Account a: lstAcc)
if(StartDateTime > TODAY() && YOR_Activity_Status__c = 'Completed' && Description ==NULL)
e.addError('Not Possible');
else if(Trigger.isUpdate)
if(StartDateTime > TODAY() && YOR_Activity_Status__c = 'Completed' && Description ==NULL )
for(Account a: lstAcc)
if(a.Id == e.WhatId)
e.addError('Not Possible');

Still I am getting Error: Compile Error: expecting right curly bracket,
found 'else' at line 26 column 0

trigger myeventvalidation on Event (after insert,after update)
Set accIds = new Set ();
List lstAcc;
for(Event e:
if(StartDateTime > TODAY() && YOR_Activity_Status__c = 'Completed' &&
Description ==NULL)
e.addError('Not Possible');
lstAcc = [Select name from Account where ID IN: accIds];
for(Event e:
for(Account a: lstAcc)
if(StartDateTime > TODAY() && YOR_Activity_Status__c = 'Completed' &&
Description ==NULL)
e.addError('Not Possible');
else if(Trigger.isUpdate)
if(StartDateTime > TODAY() && YOR_Activity_Status__c = 'Completed' &&
Description ==NULL )
for(Account a: lstAcc)
if(a.Id == e.WhatId)
e.addError('Not Possible');


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amendment. Any views expressed in this email and any attachments do not necessarily reflect the
views of the company or the views of any of our related or associated companies.

but i have a confusion bcoz you are not filling accIds any where ??

Please try this

trigger myeventvalidation on Event (after insert,after update)
Set<Id> accIds = new Set<Id> ();
List<Account> lstAcc;
for(Event e:
if(StartDateTime > TODAY() && YOR_Activity_Status__c = 'Completed' && Description ==NULL)
e.addError('Not Possible');
lstAcc = [Select name from Account where ID IN: accIds];
for(Event e:
for(Account a: lstAcc)
if(StartDateTime > TODAY() && YOR_Activity_Status__c = 'Completed' && Description ==NULL)
e.addError('Not Possible');
else if(Trigger.isUpdate)
if(StartDateTime > TODAY() && YOR_Activity_Status__c = 'Completed' && Description ==NULL )
for(Account a: lstAcc)
if(a.Id == e.WhatId)
e.addError('Not Possible');
Here is my updated code:

Now the error message is :

Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: ')' at line 15 column 19

trigger UpdateAccountYORDateNew on Event (before insert,before update) {

Set accIds = new Set ();

List lstAcc;

for(Event e: {

if(String.valueOf(e.WhatId).startsWith('001') &&
e.APN_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed') {



if(e.StartDateTime > &&
e.APN_Activity_Status__c== 'Completed' && e.Description == NULL) {

e.addError('Not Possible');



lstAcc = [Select APN_Last_Activity_Date__c from Account where ID IN:

for( {

if(Trigger.isInsert) {

if(e.APN_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed') {

for(Account a: lstAcc) {

if(a.Id == e.WhatId) {

a.APN_Last_Activity_Date__c = System.Today();





else if(Trigger.isUpdate) {

if(e.APN_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed' &&
Trigger.oldMap.get(e.Id).APN_Activity_Status__c != 'Completed')) {

for(Account a: lstAcc) {

if(a.Id == e.WhatId) {

a.APN_Last_Activity_Date__c = System.Today();






update lstAcc;

on line number 15 you write for(
if you want to ittrate
you need to write if(Event e: Trigger.isInsert)
Sorry I didn't understand:

Could you pls modify and send it to me please.

Below is my code:

Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: ')' at line 15 column 19

trigger UpdateAccountYORDateNew on Event (before insert,before update) {

Set accIds = new Set ();

List lstAcc;

for(Event e: {

if(String.valueOf(e.WhatId).startsWith('001') &&
e.APN_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed') {



if(e.StartDateTime > &&
e.APN_Activity_Status__c== 'Completed' && e.Description == NULL) {

e.addError('Not Possible');



lstAcc = [Select APN_Last_Activity_Date__c from Account where ID IN:

for( {

if(Trigger.isInsert) {

if(e.APN_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed') {

for(Account a: lstAcc) {

if(a.Id == e.WhatId) {

a.APN_Last_Activity_Date__c = System.Today();





else if(Trigger.isUpdate) {

if(e.APN_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed' &&
Trigger.oldMap.get(e.Id).APN_Activity_Status__c != 'Completed')) {

for(Account a: lstAcc) {

if(a.Id == e.WhatId) {

a.APN_Last_Activity_Date__c = System.Today();






update lstAcc;



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views of the company or the views of any of our related or associated companies.

trigger UpdateAccountYORDateNew on Event (before insert,before update)
    Set accIds = new Set ();
    List lstAcc;
    for(Event e:
        if(String.valueOf(e.WhatId).startsWith('001') && e.APN_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed')
        if(e.StartDateTime > && e.APN_Activity_Status__c== 'Completed' && e.Description == NULL)
            e.addError('Not Possible');
    lstAcc = [Select APN_Last_Activity_Date__c from Account where ID IN: accIds];
        for(Event e:
                if(e.APN_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed')
                    for(Account a: lstAcc)
                        if(a.Id == e.WhatId)
                            a.APN_Last_Activity_Date__c = System.Today();
            else if(Trigger.isUpdate)
                if(e.APN_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed' && Trigger.oldMap.get(e.Id).APN_Activity_Status__c != 'Completed'))
                    for(Account a: lstAcc)
                        if(a.Id == e.WhatId)
                        a.APN_Last_Activity_Date__c = System.Today();
        update lstAcc;

Got a new error message:

Error: Compile Error: expecting a semi-colon, found 'accIds' at line 3
column 8


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views of the company or the views of any of our related or associated companies.
define the set type i..e
replace this line
Set accIds = new Set ();
with this
Set<id> accIds = new Set<id>();



After replacing I get a similar error message:


Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: ')' at line 37 column 125.


Please advise.

There is a extra ")" bracket at line number 38
try this

trigger UpdateAccountYORDateNew on Event (before insert,before update)
Set<id> accIds = new Set<id>();
List lstAcc;
for(Event e:
if(String.valueOf(e.WhatId).startsWith('001') && e.APN_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed')
if(e.StartDateTime > && e.APN_Activity_Status__c== 'Completed' && e.Description == NULL)
e.addError('Not Possible');
lstAcc = [Select APN_Last_Activity_Date__c from Account where ID IN: accIds];
for(Event e:
if(e.APN_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed')
for(Account a: lstAcc)
if(a.Id == e.WhatId)
a.APN_Last_Activity_Date__c = System.Today();
else if(Trigger.isUpdate)
if(e.APN_Activity_Status__c == 'Completed' && Trigger.oldMap.get(e.Id).APN_Activity_Status__c != 'Completed')
for(Account a: lstAcc)
if(a.Id == e.WhatId)
a.APN_Last_Activity_Date__c = System.Today();
update lstAcc;
This was selected as the best answer

Thanks a tonne for all your help. That worked!


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