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Failing prod test prevents deployment of a single class with 100% code coverage
I wrote a simple class, and have a test method which in the IDE is telling me covers this class 100%. When I right-click on the class in the Package Explorer, go to > Deploy to server... I enter my production credentials and they are validated, then I see that only my class is set to add to the production environment and I go forward with the deployment.
After several minutes, I get a FAILURE message related to one test along the lines of 'too many DML rows', looking into the logs I see there are 10283 rows which exceeds the limit of 10000. I log in to the production environment and run the failing test, and it fails in production too WITH THE SAME ERROR.
Now I have a chicken/egg situation and I don't know how to get any code to production with this failing test, and furthermore, I don't know how anything that would have broken this test would have made it to production! I tried locally commenting out everything in the test class and the deployment failed in the exact same way (to the character) so I know it is not anything locally that I need to change. I did have to fix some things in the test to get it to run locally, but that is irrelevant here especially since I commented the entire body out and got the same error.
Class I'm trying to deploy:
public class AuthorizationToken {
public String LoginId;
public String Password;
public AuthorizationToken(String user, String pw)
Password = pw;
LoginId = user;
statictestMethodvoid testAuthTokenInstantiation()
String user = 'testUser';
String pw = 'testPw';
AuthorizationToken testAuthToken = new AuthorizationToken(user, pw);
System.assertEquals(testAuthToken.LoginId, 'testUser');
public with sharing class generateRenewalOppty_TEST
static testMethod void myTest()
Boolean success = true;
Account testAccount = new Account();
testAccount.Name = 'Test';
testAccount.Phone = '1111111111';
testAccount.County__c = 'Macomb';
testAccount.Member_Payment_Form__c ='Standard - Cash';
testAccount.Type = 'Membership - New';
insert testAccount;
update testAccount;
Product2 testProduct2 = new Product2(Name='TestProduct', ProductCode = '123', IsActive = true);
insert testProduct2;
List<Pricebook2> testPB2List = [select Id from Pricebook2 where IsStandard = true];
PricebookEntry testPBE = new PricebookEntry(Product2Id = testProduct2.Id, Pricebook2Id = testPB2List[0].Id, UnitPrice = 5.0, UseStandardPrice = false, IsActive = true);
insert testPBE;
Opportunity oppObj = new Opportunity(Name='Test Opp',StageName='Closed Won - In-Kind',CloseDate=System.Today(),AccountId=testAccount.Id, type='Membership - New');
insert oppObj;
OpportunityLineItem testOPL = new OpportunityLineItem(OpportunityId = oppObj.Id, Quantity = 1.0, TotalPrice = 100, PricebookEntryId = testPBE.Id);
insert testOPL;
OpportunityLineItem testOPL1 = new OpportunityLineItem(OpportunityId = oppObj.Id, Quantity = 1.0, TotalPrice = 100, PricebookEntryId = testPBE.Id);
insert testOPL1;
testAccount.Generate_Renewal_Oppty__c = true;
update testAccount;
Opportunity[] oppOpen =[Select Id,Amount from Opportunity Where (StageName='Open' or StageName='Membership - Renewal') and AccountId =:testAccount.Id];
System.assertEquals(1, oppOpen.size());
OpportunityLineItem[] oppLi =[Select Id,TotalPrice from OpportunityLineItem Where OpportunityId=:oppOpen[0].Id];
System.assertEquals(2, oppLi.size());
System.assertEquals(100, oppLi[0].TotalPrice);
System.assertEquals(100, oppLi[1].TotalPrice);
Opportunity[] oppRec = [Select Id from Opportunity];
delete oppRec;
Opportunity oppOb = new Opportunity(Name='Test Opp1',StageName='Open',CloseDate=System.Today(),AccountId=testAccount.Id);
insert oppOb;
testAccount.Generate_Renewal_Oppty__c = true;
update testAccount;
Opportunity[] oppRec1 = [Select Id from Opportunity];
THIS IS LINE 52: delete oppRec1;
Opportunity oppOb1 = new Opportunity(Name='Test Opp1',StageName='Open',CloseDate=System.Today(),AccountId=testAccount.Id,Type = 'Membership - New');
insert oppOb1;
testAccount.Generate_Renewal_Oppty__c = true;
update testAccount;
//delete oppOpen;
Class: generateRenewalOppty_TEST
Method Name: myTest
Pass/Fail: Fail
Error Message: System.LimitException: Too many DML rows: 10001
Stack Trace: Class.generateRenewalOppty_TEST.myTest: line 52, column 1
I was able to add some WHERE criteria to the above queries in this thread which were specific to the test (good practice anyone?). I then deployed the updated/fixed test class (success), then I deployed my new class with 100% test coverage and it was successful:
Thanks to everyone who helped out on this!
All Answers
There really isn't a chicken/egg situation here. You simply need to fix the offending query, then re-deploy the fixed code and your 100% covered code (you can do this all in a single step).
Unfortunately, you can't just ignore the error, so you'll have to spend the time fixing the code.
I agree with sfdcfox...
I'd start by adding some WHERE clauses to the following queries:
Thanks so much for the quick response! To offer some additional context, I am building a page withing a client's SF environment so I'm not intimately familiar with the environment, and this test was written by another contracting house that the client was using.
I've only been learning/using Apex for ~3 weeks but one thing that stands out is that the lines:
Opportunity[] oppRec = [Select Id from Opportunity];
delete oppRec;
Opportunity[] oppRec1 = [Select Id from Opportunity];
delete oppRec1;
do not have any WHERE clauses so this I would imagine is balooning up the # of DML rows. I am going to attempt to put some additional restrictions on the data requests and will post here if it resolves.
Thanks again,
I was able to add some WHERE criteria to the above queries in this thread which were specific to the test (good practice anyone?). I then deployed the updated/fixed test class (success), then I deployed my new class with 100% test coverage and it was successful:
Thanks to everyone who helped out on this!