It should be available as Opportunity.Name. I don't know offhand whether you'll get that as part of the trigger record. But, if not, you can query it this way:
Select o.Opportunity.Name, o.OpportunityId From OpportunityLineItem o where Id in :oppLineItemList
trigger createNewImpression on OpportunityLineItem (after insert) {
List <Impressions__c> impToInsert = new List <Impressions__c> ();
List <Id> oppLineItemIds = new List<Id>(); Map <Id, Impressions__c> oppLineItemIdToImpressionsMap = new Map <Id, Impressions__c>(); for (OpportunityLineItem o : {
if (o.Product_Family__c == 'Impression') {
oppLineItemIds.add(o.Id); Impressions__c i = new Impressions__c ();
//i.Opportunity_Name__c = o.Opportunity.Name;
i.Bill_Date__c = o.ServiceDate;
i.Expected_Impressions__c = o.Quantity;
i.Predicted_Revenue__c = o.TotalPrice;
oppLineItemIdToImpressionsMap.put(o.Id, i); impToInsert.add(i);
for (OpportunityLineItem oppLineItem : [Select Opportunity.Name, OpportunityId, Id From OpportunityLineItem where Id in :oppLineItemIds]) { Impressions__c impr = oppLineItemIdToImpressionsMap.get(oppLineItem.Id); if (impr != null) impr.Opportunity_Name__c = oppLineItem.Opportunity.Name; }
insert impToInsert;
First of all, thank you so much for helping me out. I cannot stress how grateful I am. Unfortunately the code you provided came back with an error:
Apex script unhandled trigger exception by user/organization: 00550/00D5000
NewImpression: execution of AfterInsert
caused by: System.StringException: Invalid id: This is an Impression
Trigger.NewImpression: line 24, column 1
Note "This is an Impression" is the name of the Opportunity which is exactly what I want the field to update to; however, instead of updating it's coming back with an error. Here is a photo of my Impressions Object fields. Is it possible I'm messing up the relationship. IE: should it be lookup or master-detail?
ok - that snapshot helps - you have a lookup to Opportunity which expects an opportunity id rather than the name of the Opportunity.
so change your assignment to Opportunity_Name__c like so:
All Answers
It should be available as Opportunity.Name. I don't know offhand whether you'll get that as part of the trigger record. But, if not, you can query it this way:
Select o.Opportunity.Name, o.OpportunityId From OpportunityLineItem o
where Id in :oppLineItemList
could you look at the following link? It's more detailed explanation of what I'm experiencing.
Link to additional post
Thank you so much for all of your help!!
First of all, thank you so much for helping me out. I cannot stress how grateful I am. Unfortunately the code you provided came back with an error:
Note "This is an Impression" is the name of the Opportunity which is exactly what I want the field to update to; however, instead of updating it's coming back with an error. Here is a photo of my Impressions Object fields. Is it possible I'm messing up the relationship. IE: should it be lookup or master-detail?
Link to Image
Thank you again for all of your help. Please let me know if you have any thoughts.
ok - that snapshot helps - you have a lookup to Opportunity which expects an opportunity id rather than the name of the Opportunity.
so change your assignment to Opportunity_Name__c like so:
Words do not express my gratidude! I'm a so so thankful for all of you help! You are brilliant :) Many thanks!