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Validation of password
I have created a site to enter email and password. The object used is contact, the fields used is and contact.password__c.
After the user enter the email and password, I have already placed to check for the existance of email, blank values etc.
I would like to check whether the password entered by the user is the same as what is there in the record corresponding to the email entered.
Not sure how to figure the logic. any body can advice?
Through getset you will get ur password and email id in controller , query in contact object where email id you get from get set ;
then compare your password with query password if it match then redirect to next page else add apexpage error mesaages.
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Hi Mohan.,
R u trying to authenticate the user using contact object or real salesforce user for the site which u r creating?
Through getset you will get ur password and email id in controller , query in contact object where email id you get from get set ;
then compare your password with query password if it match then redirect to next page else add apexpage error mesaages.