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Email Alert from an Inbound Email when using Email-to-Case

Background Information: In my Salesforce Org we have Email-to-Case enabled and use it for our Customer Support team where emails from customers are automatically creating cases for the team to work from. The company I work for is a website design company, so an example case that we may receive from a customer would be creating new graphics for their website. This is our current process for this flow between the teams:

  1. Case is created from the customers email inquiry via Email-to-Case.
  2. Our Customer Support team recognizes that the case needs to be sent to our Graphics team and reassigns the case to the Graphics team's queue.
  3. The Graphics team works the case and then reassigns the case back to the original Customer Support person when the work is completed.
  4. The Customer Support person closes out the case.

Here is our issue: When a customer emails us about the status of the case, this email is automatically added to the case in the Emails related list section of the case. When the case is assigned to the Customer Support's User record, they would receive an email alert stating that a new email was added to the case. However, when the case is assigned to the Graphics Queue, the Customer Support person does not recieve the email alert since they are not the assigned owner at that time.


My Possible Solution: I have created a "Customer Support Rep" User lookup field on the Case to add in the User record for the Customer Support person working the case. I would like to have an email alert setup where it would grab the Email address from the User record listed in the "Customer Support Rep" field and send an email each time a new inbound email is added to the case.


My Stumbing Block: I know that this is not possible using a workflow since you can only perform Field Updates when creating a workflow from the Email Message object. Is it possible to create something for this through Apex coding? I am not too familiar with Apex coding yet, but I figured there might be a way to create a solution here.


Thanks for the help!


I'm still in need of an answer to this post if someone out there knows how to create an email alert off of an inbound email.