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java script variable's value to stored in apex variable


public class A
public string  s{get;set;};
	public A()
		A= //some how i would like to store the value of s(java script varicble in this variable)


VF page:

<apex:page controller="A">
		var s;
		s='Value to be passed to apex class';


given approach is not working for me.

plz suggest.


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

You'll have to modify your class a bit:

public class A{
    public String s {set; get;}
    public PageReference setVariable(){
        return null;

 Then you can add the following VF to pass the variable (I've included an output section so you can get it working, remove this in your code:

<apex:page controller="A" >
    <apex:form >
    	<apex:actionFunction action="{! setVariable}" name="assignVariable" rerender="showValue">
            <apex:param name="myParam" assignTo="{!s}" value=""/>
    <!-- test the call -->
    <apex:outputPanel onClick="assignVariable('My Value')" styleClass="btn">
    	Click Me 
    <!-- show result of call -->
    <apex:outputText id="showValue" value="{!s}"/>


All Answers


Hi Asit,


You can't get javascript value in constructor but you can get it any other function of apex class.


Thank You,
Hitesh Patel
SFDC Certified Developer & Administrator


THe solution given in the link WORKS!

        <apex:actionFunction action="{!methodOne}" name="methodOneInJavascript" rerender="showstate">
            <apex:param name="firstParam" assignTo="{!state}" value="" />
        <input type="button" value="Click Me" onclick="clickMe()"/>

        function clickMe() {


But the catch is you wont be able to access the variable via constructor. You can access variable from a method , once the JS method is called i.e clickMe();


You can automatically call the js by calling the same using js or by using document.ready






You'll have to modify your class a bit:

public class A{
    public String s {set; get;}
    public PageReference setVariable(){
        return null;

 Then you can add the following VF to pass the variable (I've included an output section so you can get it working, remove this in your code:

<apex:page controller="A" >
    <apex:form >
    	<apex:actionFunction action="{! setVariable}" name="assignVariable" rerender="showValue">
            <apex:param name="myParam" assignTo="{!s}" value=""/>
    <!-- test the call -->
    <apex:outputPanel onClick="assignVariable('My Value')" styleClass="btn">
    	Click Me 
    <!-- show result of call -->
    <apex:outputText id="showValue" value="{!s}"/>


This was selected as the best answer