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Download Multiple Reports using custom URLs at one go with a user-specified name

Hi All


I am trying to download multiple reports in PRINTABLE VIEW with user-specified names(like , "MyReport.xls" and not with default random name given by SFDC such as "report000023232.xls" ) with the help of custom URLs.


I am able to download a single report at a time using the following custom URL:




But now I want to hit multiple such URLs on a single click, but unable to do so.


My current code is as follows:


VF Page code:



<apex:page controller="exportReport"  contentType="application/{!$Request.fileName}"  showHeader="false" showChat="false"  >

<apex:outputText escape="false" value="{!reportData}"/>


APEX Custom Controller:


public with sharing class exportReport {
    public String getReportData() {

        Id reportId='00ON0000000YJKB';
        if(reportId != null && reportId.getSobjectType() == Report.SobjectType) {
            PageReference ref = new PageReference('/'+reportId+'?pv1=FIS-UK&excel=1');
            return ref.getContent().toString();
        return null;


The underlined code represents the renaming attribute used and the custom link called on VF Pageload respectively.


Now I want multiple reports to be downloaded with a single button click using these custom links and simultaneously specifying new report names using "content type" attribute as done above.


Urgent HELP REQD.....


Thanks in advance!!
