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CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY and Attempt to de-reference a null object on Trigger

I've gone and read through a lot of these forums but I find it difficult to apply the advice to my code, so here I am posting!


I get the following error from my Test class for my Trigger:


System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, updateRoomLocation: execution of BeforeInsert

caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object

Trigger.updateRoomLocation: line 30, column 1: []


 It is the same error for all three test functions. The test class is below, and the trigger below that:


private class TestRoomBuildingAssignment {
    public static Location__c createLocation(Boolean createRoom){
        Location__c location = new Location__c(
            caan__c = '1000',
            Building_Code__c = 'TEST',
            Location_Name__c = 'Test building'
        if(createRoom == True){
            location.Room__c = '100';
        insert location;
        return location;
    static Location__c createLocation(){
        return createLocation(False);
    static testMethod void testRoomAssignment() {
        Location__c location = createLocation();
        Location__c room = createLocation(True);
        system.assertEquals(room.Location__c, location.Id);
    static testMethod void testLocationName() {
        //  relies on createLocation making a location with
        //  caan__c = 1000, Building_Code__c = 'TEST' & Room__c = 100
        Location__c location = createLocation();
        system.assertEquals(location.Name, '0001-TEST');
    static testMethod void testRoomName() {
        //  relies on createLocation making a location with
        //  caan__c = 1000, Building_Code__c = 'TEST' & Room__c = 100
        Location__c location = createLocation(True);
        system.assertEquals(location.Name, '0001-TEST-100');





trigger updateRoomLocation on Location__c (before insert) {
        We want to update all rooms with their correspondent buildings. We do this by:
        1.  getting all caan IDs for our trigger set
        2.  finding all buildings who have that caan id (buildings have no rooms)
        3.  matching room ID with building ID

    // we match rooms to caan numbers
    Map<Id, String> roomMap = new Map<Id, String>();
    // eventually we match room Ids to 
    Map<Id, Location__c> updateMap = new Map<Id, Location__c>();
    for (Location__c room :{
        roomMap.put(room.Id, room.caan__c);

    if (roomMap.size() > 0){
        Map<String, Location__c> buildingMap = new Map<String, Location__c>([
                SELECT caan__c, Id FROM Location__c 
                WHERE caan__c IN :roomMap.values()
                AND Room__c = ''
        for (String roomId : roomMap.keySet()){
            String caan = roomMap.get(roomId);
            updateMap.put(roomId, buildingMap.get(caan));
        for (Location__c room :{
            room.Location__c = updateMap.get(room.Id).Id;



Any help is greatly appreciated!

Bhawani SharmaBhawani Sharma
room.Location__c = updateMap.get(room.Id).Id;


Try this trigger

trigger updateRoomLocation on Location__c (before insert) {
        We want to update all rooms with their correspondent buildings. We do this by:
        1.  getting all caan IDs for our trigger set
        2.  finding all buildings who have that caan id (buildings have no rooms)
        3.  matching room ID with building ID

    // we match rooms to caan numbers
    Map<Id, String> roomMap = new Map<Id, String>();
    // eventually we match room Ids to 
    Map<Id, Location__c> updateMap = new Map<Id, Location__c>();
    for (Location__c room :{
        roomMap.put(room.Id, room.caan__c);

    if (roomMap.size() > 0){
        Map<String, Location__c> buildingMap = new Map<String, Location__c>([
                SELECT caan__c, Id FROM Location__c 
                WHERE caan__c IN :roomMap.values()
                AND Room__c = ''
        for (String roomId : roomMap.keySet()){
            String caan = roomMap.get(roomId);
            updateMap.put(roomId, buildingMap.get(caan));
        for (Location__c room :roomMap){
				room.Location__c = updateMap.get(room.Id).Id;


If this post answers your questions, please mark it as solved and give kudos if this helps you



sushant sussushant sus
in your code
this line is not returning any value


Try this..


for (Location__c room{
				room.Location__c = updateMap.get(room.Id).Id;