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Collections and SOQL - Need help cleaning up
I'm new to writing apex triggers and I need some help cleaning up the SOQL queries in my collections. Not sure what is wrong, but it just looks like too much. Also, I'm sure it's part of what is giving me issues when I try to write a test class.
Thanks in advance!
- Matt
Apex Trigger:
trigger LDRCreatedTask on Task (after insert, after update, before delete) { //Insert or Update command if(trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate){ List<Task> TargetTask = [SELECT Id, WhoId, CreatedById FROM Task WHERE Id IN: Trigger.newMap.keySet()]; Task TargetTaskDetails = [SELECT Id, WhoId, CreatedById FROM Task WHERE Id IN: TargetTask]; Map<Id,User> UserMap = new Map<Id,User>([SELECT Id, Name, Profile.Name FROM User WHERE Id = :TargetTaskDetails.CreatedById AND isActive = true]); Lead ParentLead = [SELECT Id, First_LDR_Task_User__c, First_LDR_Task_Date__c FROM Lead WHERE Id = :TargetTaskDetails.WhoId]; List<Task>LDRRelatedTasks = [SELECT Id, WhoId, CreatedBy.Profile.Name FROM Task WHERE WhoId = :ParentLead.Id AND CreatedBy.Profile.Name LIKE'%LDR%']; List<Task> FirstTask = [SELECT Id, CreatedBy.Name, CreatedDate FROM Task WHERE Id IN: LDRRelatedTasks ORDER BY LastModifiedDate ASC LIMIT 1]; Task FirstTaskDetails = [SELECT Id, CreatedBy.Name, CreatedDate FROM Task WHERE Id IN: FirstTask]; Map<Id,Lead> LeadstoUpdate = new Map<Id,Lead>(); for (Task t: TargetTask){ //Update 'Most Recent' fields after each insert and everytime an existing task is modified if(UserMap.get(t.CreatedById).ProfileId != null && UserMap.get(t.CreatedById).Profile.Name.contains('LDR') && t.WhoId != null && (((String)t.WhoId).startswith('00Q'))){ Lead l = new Lead(Id = t.WhoId, Most_Recent_LDR_Task_User__c = UserMap.get(t.CreatedById).Name, Most_Recent_LDR_Task_Date__c = ); LeadstoUpdate.put(l.Id, l); //Run if 1 or more LDR tasks if(FirstTask.size() > 0){ if(ParentLead.First_LDR_Task_User__c == null && ParentLead.First_LDR_Task_Date__c == null){ l.First_LDR_Task_User__c = FirstTaskDetails.CreatedBy.Name; l.First_LDR_Task_Date__c = FirstTaskDetails.CreatedDate; LeadstoUpdate.put(l.Id, l); } } //Run if 0 LDR tasks if(FirstTask.size() == 0){ if(ParentLead.First_LDR_Task_User__c == null && ParentLead.First_LDR_Task_Date__c == null){ l.First_LDR_Task_User__c = UserMap.get(t.CreatedById).Name; l.First_LDR_Task_Date__c =; LeadstoUpdate.put(l.Id, l); } } } } update LeadstoUpdate.values(); } if(trigger.isBefore && trigger.isDelete){ List<Task> TargetTask = [SELECT Id, WhoId, CreatedById FROM Task WHERE Id IN: Trigger.oldMap.keySet()]; Task TargetTaskDetails = [SELECT Id, WhoId, CreatedById FROM Task WHERE Id IN: TargetTask]; Map<Id,User> UserMap = new Map<Id,User>([SELECT Id, Name, Profile.Name FROM User WHERE Id = :TargetTaskDetails.CreatedById AND isActive = true]); Lead ParentLead = [SELECT Id, First_LDR_Task_User__c, First_LDR_Task_Date__c FROM Lead WHERE Id = :TargetTaskDetails.WhoId]; List<Task>LDRRelatedTasks = [SELECT Id, WhoId, CreatedBy.Profile.Name FROM Task WHERE WhoId = :ParentLead.Id AND CreatedBy.Profile.Name LIKE'%LDR%']; List<Task> FirstTask = [SELECT Id, CreatedBy.Name, CreatedDate FROM Task WHERE Id IN: LDRRelatedTasks AND Id NOT IN: TargetTask ORDER BY LastModifiedDate ASC LIMIT 1]; List<Task> MostRecentTask = [SELECT Id, CreatedBy.Name FROM Task WHERE Id IN: LDRRelatedTasks AND Id NOT IN: TargetTask ORDER BY LastModifiedDate DESC LIMIT 1]; Map<Id,Lead> LeadstoUpdateFirst = new Map<Id,Lead>(); Map<Id,Lead> LeadstoUpdateMostRecent = new Map<Id,Lead>(); for(Task t: TargetTask){ //Run when all LDR tasks have been deleted if(LDRRelatedTasks.size() < 2){ if(UserMap.get(t.CreatedById).ProfileId != null && UserMap.get(t.CreatedById).Profile.Name.contains('LDR') && t.WhoId != null && (((String)t.WhoId).startswith('00Q'))){ //Reset 'Most Recent' fields on lead Lead l = new Lead (Id = t.WhoId, Most_Recent_LDR_Task_User__c = null, Most_Recent_LDR_Task_Date__c = null); LeadstoUpdateMostRecent.put(l.Id, l); } } //Run when there are 1 or more LDR tasks if(LDRRelatedTasks.size() > 1) { Task MostRecentTaskDetails = [SELECT Id, CreatedBy.Name, LastModifiedDate FROM Task WHERE Id IN: MostRecentTask]; if(UserMap.get(t.CreatedById).Profile.Name.contains('LDR') && (((String)t.WhoId).startswith('00Q'))){ //Update 'Most Recent' fields on lead Lead l = new Lead (Id = t.WhoId, Most_Recent_LDR_Task_User__c = MostRecentTaskDetails.CreatedBy.Name, Most_Recent_LDR_Task_Date__c = MostRecentTaskDetails.LastModifiedDate); LeadstoUpdateMostRecent.put(l.Id, l); } } //Run when there is no first LDR task - no LDR tasks on the lead record (all deleted) if(FirstTask.size() < 2){ //Reset 'First' fields on lead Lead l = new Lead(Id = t.WhoId, First_LDR_Task_User__c = null, First_LDR_Task_Date__c = null); LeadstoUpdateFirst.put(l.Id, l); } //Run when there is a first(oldest) LDR task on the lead record if(FirstTask.size() > 0){ Task FirstTaskDetails = [SELECT Id, CreatedBy.Name, CreatedDate FROM Task WHERE Id IN: FirstTask]; //Update 'First' fields on lead Lead l = new Lead(Id = t.WhoId, First_LDR_Task_User__c = FirstTaskDetails.CreatedBy.Name, First_LDR_Task_Date__c = FirstTaskDetails.CreatedDate); LeadstoUpdateFirst.put(l.Id, l); } } update LeadstoUpdateFirst.values(); update LeadstoUpdateMostRecent.values(); } }
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Very nice! I'm going to need to wrap my head around this before I can test it out. But I will certainly post again soon.
That worked! Thanks for your help. I will still need to stare at your code to figure it out, but it's always great to have a "proper" example. Btw, I've also learned a bunch from other posts you've made.
Thanks for the compliment. Glad I could help. Here's a summary of the code's logic:
1) Look for all the Lead ID values in Trigger.old and
2) Query for the first task created date and last task modified date by lead.
3) Place all of the first created and last modified dates into sets (unique combinations of date/times).
4) Query for each task that belongs to the lead that happens to be the first created or last modified.
5) Set the correct fields based on if it's the lead's first or last modified task.
After thinking about this, there's a possibility that two tasks on two separate leads, with the created date and last modified date coincidentally overlapping for some reason might cause incorrect updates.
Based on that, I decided I should post an update to the code. This change makes sure that the created date and/or last modified date matches the value previously queried for that lead. This avoids any ambiguity. Here's the updated code:
Awesome! Thanks again. Really appreciate the summary and updating the code again. Combined with my staring at the code last night to reverse engineer the syntax, I'm on my way.