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Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: MAP<String,Address__c>
I am getting the above error at Line 15 of the below code.
Here is what I am looking for:
(1) Address__c has a field called Release__c
(2) There will be multiple Address__c records where Address__c.Release__c.Name = New_Door_Assignment__c.Name
(3) Assigned_Address__c is a child to both Address__c and New_Door_Assignment__c
(4) What I am trying to do is upon creation of a New_Door_Assignment__c record, to create the multiple child records (Assigned_Address__c) related to both New_Door_Assignment__c and Address__c
Here is what I have started and am getting the error above. Any help is moe than appreciated.
trigger AddressAssignment on New_Door_Assignment__c (after insert) { Set<String> releaseName = new Set<String>(); for (Release__c release : { {releaseName.add(release.Name);} Map<String, Address__c> addressMap = new Map<String, Address__c>(); for(Address__c address1 : [Select Name, Unparsed_Address_Formula__c, Release__c from Address__c where Release__c in : releaseName]){ addressMap.put(address1.Release__c, address1); List<Assigned_Address__c> newAssignment = new List<Assigned_Address__c>(); for(New_Door_Assignment__c newRelease : { if(addressMap.containsKey.(newRelease.Name)) newAssignment.add(new Assigned_Address__c( Date_Assigned__c = newRelease.Date_Released__c, New_Door_Assignment__c = newRelease.ID, Rep__c = newRelease.Reps__c)); } insert newAssignment; } } }
Try removing the period after containsKey: should be:
All Answers
Your trigger is on New_Door_Assignment__c. Wondering why you're doing the following:
for (Release__c release : {
That must have been a copy and paste error from a previous trigger....
I changed that to New_Door_Assignment__c but am still getting the same error at Line 15
ok. Is the field Release__c a lookup (and so has an Id rather than a name)? If so,
"where Release__c in : releaseName"
may be causing some issues as you'trying to compare an id field against a name. You may want to store the Release__c id in the Set rather than the name and try it.
In this code, Release__c is a text field on Address__c, which is what is equal to the Name field on New_Door_Assignment__c
Try removing the period after containsKey: should be:
Awesome, that worked. Thank you so much for your help!
So now I have another question on this. I hope I can properly explain this:
I have a field on Assigned_Address__c called Rep_Name__c.
I have Rep_One__c, Rep_Two__c, Rep_Three__c, Rep_Four__c and Rep_Five__c on New_Door_Assignment__c
I have a custom formula field called Doors_Per_Rep__c on New_Door_Assignment__c
What I am hoping to acomplish is:
1. Sort the Assigned_Address__c records by Address__c (custom field)
2. If Number_of_Doors__c is equal to X, I want New_Door_Assignment__c.Rep_One__c = Assigned_Address__c.Rep_Name__c for the first X number of Address_Assigned__c records
3. Repeat the process until all Address_Assigned__c records are assigned using Rep_Two__c, Rep_Three__c, Rep_Four__c and Rep_Five__c if applicaple.
I've looked around for help and haven't been able to find much of anything. I assumed I could use the interger i functionality but am not sure where to start.
Any suggestions?
Current Apex Trigger
I think you'll need something like this: pseudocode below
Integer doorsPerRep = newRelease.Doors_Per_Rep__c;
String previousRep = '';
Integer doorAssigned = 0;
String currentRep = newRelease.Rep_One__c;
for (Address_Assigned__c addrAssigned : aaList) {
if (doorAssigned == doorsPerRep) {
doorAssigned = 0;
currentRep = (previousRep == newRelease.Rep_One__c) ? newRelease.Rep_Two__c :
(previousRep == newRelease.Rep_Two__c) ? newRelease.Rep_Three__c :
(previousRep == newRelease.Rep_Three__c) ? newRelease.Rep_Four__c :
(previousRep == newRelease.Rep_Four__c) ? newRelease.Rep_Five__c :
(previousRep == newRelease.Rep_Five__c) ? newRelease.Rep_One__c : newRelease.Rep_One__c;
addrAssigned..Rep_Name__c = currentRep;
Thanks Ram. I'm still trying to digest the pseudo-code and what it means.
Question - should I write this as a part of the existing trigger or should I write it as a new trigger on the Assigned Address record?
Yes - it should go into your trigger code - trigger AddressAssignment on New_Door_Assignment__c
It is taking the address change records and assigning the first X to Rep 1 and next X to Rep 2 and so on - based on what you indicated.
OK, thanks....can you give me some sort of idea of where to put the code? I cannot seem to grasp where it needs to be.
I have to admit I'm not as familiar with your data model as you are. But I would focus on these lines below. Do you need to pull a bunch of Assigned Address Records for each new door assignment that changed?