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Creating multiple related records from the related list using a VF page.
Need some help please.
We have a related record on the opportunity called "prospect". The prospect simply connects the opportunity to contacts. We have a related list for prospects, but the users want an easy way to create multiple "prospects" at one time.
I want to create a button on the related list that takes you to a VF page with a list of contacts by name. I will need to select multiple names then submit, creating a prospect record for each selected contact.
Any Ideas?
you have to make a cuttom button and call a page
like this'/apex/DuplicateScheduleTemplate?id={!
JobSuite__Schedule_Template__c.Id}','_self');// please exact format
code for check with contact
controller :
public with sharing class checkboxcls {
public PageReference selected() {
System.debug('------------------------>lstwrap is'+lstwrap);
for(wrappecls w:lstwrap){
// you can use apexpage .cuurent.getparameter(id) (*check syntax ) to get opp id that pospect is assign to opp
// here you can add your logic of creating prospect and use contact id for assign to contact
// create prospect object instance add to list of prospect object
} // insert prospect list
return null;
public class wrappecls{
public boolean check{get; set;}
public Contact con{get; set;}
public wrappecls(Contact c){
con =c;
LIst<wrappecls> lstwrap= new List<wrappecls>();
public List<wrappecls> getitems(){
List<Contact> lst=[Select id, name, phone from Contact];
for(Contact c:lst){
lstwrap.add(new wrappecls(c));
System.debug('------------------------>lstwrap is'+lstwrap);
return lstwrap;
<apex:page controller="checkboxcls">
<apex:form >
<apex:PageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!items}" var="i">
<apex:column >
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!i.check}"/>
<apex:column value="{!}"/>
<apex:column value="{!}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Selected" action="{!selected}"/>
All Answers
you have to make a cuttom button and call a page
like this'/apex/DuplicateScheduleTemplate?id={!
JobSuite__Schedule_Template__c.Id}','_self');// please exact format
code for check with contact
controller :
public with sharing class checkboxcls {
public PageReference selected() {
System.debug('------------------------>lstwrap is'+lstwrap);
for(wrappecls w:lstwrap){
// you can use apexpage .cuurent.getparameter(id) (*check syntax ) to get opp id that pospect is assign to opp
// here you can add your logic of creating prospect and use contact id for assign to contact
// create prospect object instance add to list of prospect object
} // insert prospect list
return null;
public class wrappecls{
public boolean check{get; set;}
public Contact con{get; set;}
public wrappecls(Contact c){
con =c;
LIst<wrappecls> lstwrap= new List<wrappecls>();
public List<wrappecls> getitems(){
List<Contact> lst=[Select id, name, phone from Contact];
for(Contact c:lst){
lstwrap.add(new wrappecls(c));
System.debug('------------------------>lstwrap is'+lstwrap);
return lstwrap;
<apex:page controller="checkboxcls">
<apex:form >
<apex:PageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!items}" var="i">
<apex:column >
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!i.check}"/>
<apex:column value="{!}"/>
<apex:column value="{!}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Selected" action="{!selected}"/>
Thanks for the help. I think this will do what I need.
Did you get this to work in your org? If so, would you mind sharing your code? I am doing something similar but simpler.
I want to create a related record of my custom object for every contact I select in a list.