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Changing the owner of Contact


I am having a problem in the code. The Contact object con is defined in code below, it is recieving all the values from the visualforce page. but before inserting this con object i want to change its owner field to the Account it is recieving in line #5. as this con object takes bydefault owner.


public with sharing class newContact {
    public Contact con {get;set;}
    public newContact(ApexPages.StandardController c) {
            con = (Contact)c.getRecord();
            con.AccountId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('pid');
     public PageReference save(){
       insert con;
       return new PageReference('/index/index?id='+con.AccountId); 

 Kindly Guide me if possible

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Well I see now. I dont think you will be able to do this.
A Owner field always points to a User or a QUEUE.

All Answers


Try this out 


public with sharing class newContact {
    public Contact con {

    private User accOwner;

    public newContact(ApexPages.StandardController c) {
        con = (Contact) c.getRecord();
        con.AccountId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('pid');
        //check if there is a value  
        if (con.AccountId != null) {
            List < Account> accList = [SELECT Id, OwnerId,Name FROM Account WHERE Id =:con.AccountId];
            //check if matching records found    
            if (!accList.isEmpty()) {
               List<user> users = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Name =:accList[0].Name LIMIT 1];
accOwner = users[0];
} } } } public PageReference save() { if (accOwner != null) { con.OwnerId = accOwner.Id; } insert con; return new PageReference('/index/index?id=' + con.AccountId); }

 The above code looks for the account using an SOQL and assigns the ownerId FROM the Account



Try this 


public with sharing class newContact {
    public Contact con {get;set;}
public Account acc{get;set;} public newContact(ApexPages.StandardController c) { con = (Contact)c.getRecord(); con.AccountId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('pid');
acc = [SELECT ID,NAME, OWNERID FROM ACCOUNT WHERE id =: con.accountId]; } public PageReference save(){ con.ownerid = acc.ownerid;
insert con; return new PageReference('/index/index?id='+con.AccountId); }

If this post solves your problem, kindly mark it as solution. If it is helpful please throw kudos.



Hi Wissey,


I would have written a pretty simple trigger on Contact and it would have taken care of owner assignment:


trigger AssignOwner on Contact(before insert, before update) {

    List<Id> accountIds = new List<Id>();

    Map<Id, Id> accountIdOwnerId = new Map<Id, Id>();

    for(Contact con : {


    for(Account acc : [select ownerid from Account where Id in: accountIds]) {

        accountIdOwnerId.put(acc.Id, acc.ownerId);


    for(Contact con : {

        con.ownerId = accountIdOwnerId.get(con.accountId);




Please post if you find any better solution or have any question.




Thanx for the reply souvik

I think you didnt get my point ...let me explain suppose i create an contact with the name XYZ in an Account ABC. so the contact owner value should be ABC. I dont want that both have same owner

Well I see now. I dont think you will be able to do this.
A Owner field always points to a User or a QUEUE.
This was selected as the best answer

You can't make account as an owner of any record. Because, ownerid is a lookup field of type user object.

thanx avi for helping

I am basically pointing toward a user , i am not giving a dynamic value
Are you saying something like this.
Search for a user with that Account name?
Yes Exactly, the id of the account is recieving.
Just updated my answer. please check
Thanx AviDev for All the Help

Yes I got it now, It might be too late. But 


Thanx souvik9086 for All the help..