function readOnly(count){ }
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How to get this value? Where is it located? I tried ProcessInstance/WorkItems but it is not there.
You must have created an article type right . So I think the OwnerId field of the Article Type SObject can give the Assigned To value.
unfortunately, 'Assigned To' does not match current owner.
any idea?
Okay found it in this link , the Actor Id from ProcessInstanceWorkitem can give the value of Assigned to. Worked for me. You had tried it initially right ?
You must have created an article type right . So I think the OwnerId field of the Article Type SObject can give the Assigned To value.
unfortunately, 'Assigned To' does not match current owner.
any idea?
Okay found it in this link , the Actor Id from ProcessInstanceWorkitem can give the value of Assigned to. Worked for me. You had tried it initially right ?