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Uday K
how to find the duplicate Accounts (Person Accounts are enabled)
Hello All,
I have duplicate Accounts in my salesforce. How to find the duplicates based on First Name and Last Name through coding or something without using app.
Ex: Rakesh Roy and Roy Rakesh are duplicates.
Can someone Help me.
Thanks in Advance,
simple example is
list<acount> lst = [select id from account where name like '%Rakesh%'];
// this is simple query for the example given above by you... but you may have a name like Rakesh Raj as a different account name and this will also come in to the duplicate list for this you need to come with up with a strategy to get rid these kind of scenarios
Select All the contacts where FirstName Like '%ROY%' OR FirstName like '%RAKESH%' or LastNameName like ' %RAKESH%'........
Thanks a ton for reply.
Our salesforce is having duplicates like this.
Ex: Rakesh Roy,
Roy Rakesh,
Ramesh Raju,
Raju Ramesh
I have to find the duplicates like above and wants to make a report for the client, then he decides which account he has to keep and which has to delete.
can you tell me how can we achieve this.
Awaiting for reply.....