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RICH TEXT AREA Field value Not migrating

Hello everyone,


We are doing salesforce data migration from one org to another. In some objects we have richtextarea fields, the value of which are not migrated in target org. In target org, the field is showing as "Image not Available". Also the path shows that it is a broken image like this "/img/rte_broken_image.png".


If anyone has solution of this, please help us out.




Hello Souvik,


While uploading images using API if records include rich text area fields containing images, you must convert the image to Base64 and supply that as the value in the relevant field. You can use a text editor to do this.

1)Encode the desired image into Base64.
2)Copy the entire Base64 image string to the clipboard.
3)Copy the following text and paste it into a text editor:
<img alt="<image_Name>" src="data&colon;image/<image_File_Extension>;base64, <base64_Image_String>"></img>
Replace <image_Name> with the file name of the image. Don’t include the file extension. For example: Headshot1
Replace <image_File_Extension> with the extension of the image file. Don’t include the dot. For example: jpg
Replace <base64_Image_String> with the string that you copied in Step 2.
4)Copy the entire source text data and use it as the value in the relevant field of the API.
5)Upload the data.

Please refer:


Hope this helps!