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How to write Custom lookup conroller and VF page?Give Examples

Hi All,


In my Client requirement I want to develope Customlookup to Employee object. It has contains column like Name ,department,email,region.This lookup field is in Account object.If user click this looup then it will fetch employee value.How to write Controller and page?Pls help me give examples








Hi ,


Here is a sample code for custom lookup :

// Image for lookup icon on click of which lookup window will open
<span class="lookupInput">
	<apex:inputText value="{!var.sObjName}" />
		<a href ="" style="cursor: pointer" onClick="javascript&colon;return openCompanyPopup(this.parentNode)">
			<img src="/s.gif" alt="Module Lookup (New Window)" class="lookupIcon" onblur="this.className = 'lookupIcon';" onfocus="this.className = 'lookupIconOn';" onmouseout="this.className = 'lookupIcon';this.className = 'lookupIcon';" onmouseover="this.className = 'lookupIconOn';this.className = 'lookupIconOn';" title="Module Lookup (New Window)" />
//JS will execute after this click
function openCompanyPopup(obj)
	 currConColumn = obj;
	 var likeString = (obj.getElementsByTagName('input')[0]).value;
	 var url ;
	 url = "TBN_CustomLookUp?likestring=" + likeString +"&objName=Project_Module__c";
	 return false;
//custom lookup vf page
<apex:page controller="TBN_CustomLookUpController" sidebar="false" showHeader="false">
<!--	<apex:SectionHeader Title="Conference Wizard" subTitle="Select Account" help="http://help.txt" />-->
         function populateParent(obj) 
             var trNode = obj.parentNode.parentNode;
             var tdNodes = trNode.getElementsByTagName('td');
             var companyId = (tdNodes[0].getElementsByTagName('span')[0]).innerHTML;
             var companyName = (tdNodes[1].getElementsByTagName('a')[0]).innerHTML;
             companyName = companyName.replace('&amp;', '&');   
             top.window.opener.setSelectedCompanyDetails(companyId , companyName);      
             return false;
	<apex:form >
         <apex:outputPanel id="main">
             <apex:outputPanel rendered="true">  
                 <table id="tblSearch">
                         <td><apex:InputText value="{!likeString}"/></td>
                         <td><apex:CommandButton value="Go!" action="{!getCompany}" reRender="detail"/></td>
             <apex:outputPanel id="detail" >
                 <apex:pageBlock title="" rendered="{!showSearch}" >
                  <apex:outputPanel rendered ="{!if(showCompany.size > 0,true,false)}">
	                    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!showCompany}" var="comp">
	                        <apex:column >
	                           <span style="display: none" width="0">{!comp['Id']}</span>
	                        <apex:column headerValue="Name">
	                            <apex:outputLink value="" onClick="return populateParent(this)">{!comp['Name']} </apex:outputLink> 
                   <apex:outputPanel rendered ="{!if(showCompany.size > 0,false,true)}">
                   	No Record

//Controller for custom lookup
public with sharing class TBN_CustomLookUpController 
    public String recordType {get;set;}
  	private String objName;
  	private String managerId;
  	private String strId;
  	private  string likeString1;
  	public String likeString {get;set;}
    public TBN_CustomLookUpController()
    	likeString = '';
    	objName = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('objName');
    	managerId =  System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('managerId');
    	strId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('strId');
			likeString = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('likestring');
		catch(exception ex)
    public boolean showSearch
           showSearch= value;
          return showSearch;  
    public List<Sobject> getshowCompany()
    	Set<String> setIdRB = new Set<String>();
    	if(strId != null)
        List<Sobject> lstSobject = new List<Sobject>();
        String strQuery = '';
        if((likeString == '' || likeString == null) || likeString.trim().length() == 0)
        	if(managerId != null)
        		strQuery = 'Select Id, Name From '+string.escapeSingleQuotes(objName)+' where Report_To__c = \'' + string.escapeSingleQuotes(managerId) + '\' and Id NOT IN: setIdRB ORDER BY Name';
            	strQuery = 'Select Id, Name From '+string.escapeSingleQuotes(objName)+' ORDER BY Name';
            if(managerId != null)
            	if(likeString1 != '% %')
            		strQuery = 'Select Id, Name From '+ string.escapeSingleQuotes(objName) +' where '+'Name like \'%' + string.escapeSingleQuotes(likeString) + '%\' and Report_To__c = \'' + string.escapeSingleQuotes(managerId) + '\''+ ' and Id NOT IN: setIdRB ORDER BY Name';
            		strQuery = 'Select Id, Name From '+string.escapeSingleQuotes(objName)+' where Report_To__c = \'' + string.escapeSingleQuotes(managerId) + '\' and Id NOT IN: setIdRB ORDER BY Name';
            	strQuery = 'Select Id, Name From '+ string.escapeSingleQuotes(objName) +' where Name like \'%'+ string.escapeSingleQuotes(likeString) +'%\' ORDER BY Name';
        lstSobject =  Database.query(strQuery);
        if(managerId != null && !setIdRB.contains(managerId))
        	list<User> lstUser = new list<User>();
        	if(likeString != '')
        		lstUser = [Select Id,Name from User where id = : string.escapeSingleQuotes(managerId) and Name like : likeString1 limit 1];
        		lstUser = [Select Id,Name from User where id = : string.escapeSingleQuotes(managerId) limit 1];
        	if((lstUser.size() > 0 )&& (!setIdRB.contains(lstUser[0].Id)))
        return lstSobject;
    public PageReference getCompany()
        showSearch = true; 
        return null;

// add this JS in main page to receive the selected item from lookup
function setSelectedCompanyDetails(TTId, TTName)
	var inputArr = currConColumn.getElementsByTagName('input');
	var test = currConColumn.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input');
	inputArr[0].value =  TTName;
	inputArr[1].value = TTId;
	currConColumn = null;                      