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Blake Tanon
Issue with variables in subquery in WHERE clause (Class)
I"ve been racking my brain over this for a while so it's time to ask for some help. I'm tring to query a list in a Class to display on a VF page, but when I put a variable into the SubQuery in the Where clause I don't get any results, however if i just put in a record ID it works.
global class DistributionExtentionRepMonthlyReport_C{ public static list<contact> cList; public DistributionExtentionRepMonthlyReport_C(){ //public void runQuery(){ cList = [SELECT id, FirstName, LastName, OtherStreet, OtherCity, OtherState, OtherPostalCode, Account.Name, CRD__c FROM contact WHERE id in (SELECT rep__c FROM distribution_history__c WHERE distribution__c =: ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')) LIMIT 50]; } public static list<contact> getcList(){ return clist; } }
How about debugging the code ?
Create and check the debug log if you are getting the expected value.
By the way you need to pass the id to the VF page by doing something like "/apex/YOUR_VF_PAGE_NAME?id=RECORD_ID"