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ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') Issue in Production (Email)

I've got a visualforce email template that has a vf component in it that runs off a class as it's controller.  The class gets the current records ID via ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id').  The issue is that the email sends out perfect in Sandbox but sends as a NULL subject/body in production.  When I change the WHERE clause in the queries that picks the ID to a real record ID instead of getting it from the page it works however.  Is there a better way to get the ID, any idea why this isn't working?  Also the component/class work if I call them from a button to a VF page on the record.


This email works in Sandbox - but not Production


public class TerritoryDailyReport{

    //Territory record data
    public Territory__c t {get;set;}
    //public id tid {get;set;}
    public static list<territory_rank__c> bd;
    public static list<Contact> reps;
    public static list<Contact> repopps;
    public static list<Contact> repep;

    // method
    public TerritoryDailyReport(){
        t = [SELECT id, name, best_mo_sales__c, best_mo__c, current_mo_sales__c, current_mo_pace__c
             FROM territory__c
             WHERE id =: ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
        bd = [SELECT id, name,, firm__c, best_mo__c, best_mo_sales__c, current_mo_sales__c, producers_this_mo__c,
                  producers__c, territory_name__c, total_sales__c
              FROM territory_rank__c
              WHERE territory__c =: ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')
              ORDER BY current_mo_sales__c desc];
        reps = [SELECT id, name,, opps_this_month__c, best_month__c, best_month_amount__c,
                    current_month__c, next_trade_amount__c, next_trade_date__c, total_reit_sales__c,
                    accountid, mailingstate
                FROM contact
                WHERE xterritory__c =: ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') AND current_month__c != null
                    AND current_month__c != 0
                ORDER BY current_month__c desc];
        repopps = [SELECT id, name,, opps_this_month__c, best_month__c, best_month_amount__c,
                       current_month__c, next_trade_amount__c, next_trade_date__c, total_reit_sales__c,
                       accountid, mailingstate
                   FROM contact
                   WHERE xterritory__c =: ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') AND (current_month__c = null
                       OR current_month__c = 0) AND opps_this_month__c != null AND opps_this_month__c != 0
                   ORDER BY opps_this_month__c desc];
        repep = [SELECT id, name,, opps_this_month__c, best_month__c, best_month_amount__c,
                     current_month__c, next_trade_amount__c, next_trade_date__c, total_reit_sales__c,
                     accountid, mailingstate
                 FROM contact
                 WHERE xterritory__c =: ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') AND (current_month__c = null
                       OR current_month__c = 0) AND (opps_this_month__c = null OR opps_this_month__c = 0) AND
                       next_trade_amount__c != null AND next_trade_amount__c != 0 AND (next_trade_date__c = THIS_MONTH
                       OR next_trade_date__c = NEXT_n_DAYS:15) AND total_reit_sales__c > 0
                 ORDER BY next_trade_date__c asc];
    public static List<territory_rank__c> getbd() {
        return bd;
    public static List<contact> getreps() {
        return reps;
    public static List<contact> getrepopps() {
        return repopps;
    public static List<contact> getrepep() {
        return repep;



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Well seems there is a lil problem in code structuring. Since there is no pages involved in email , how are you passing the id to the components controller ?

Ideally you should be using attributes to pass the values

have a look here

All Answers

Yoganand GadekarYoganand Gadekar

your current page may not have id as parameter...

 ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') this statements fecthes id from URl, just check in the current context URL if you have id in it. if there isnt an id, then it will not return any value.... *****it depends on where are you calling the controller....


There is an ID in the url, I don't understand why this works in sandbox and not production?

Well seems there is a lil problem in code structuring. Since there is no pages involved in email , how are you passing the id to the components controller ?

Ideally you should be using attributes to pass the values

have a look here

This was selected as the best answer

Thanks Avidev, that blog was a great help.  But I'm still wondering why getting the id from the url works in sandbox but not in production?