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Trigger applies to all records instead on relevant ID

Hi. I have a trigger that triggers for more records than I hope for


trigger createOrderforABFSCB on Stem_Cell_Bank__c (after update) {

    List<ChargentOrders__ChargentOrder__c> co = new List<ChargentOrders__ChargentOrder__c>();  
  for (Stem_Cell_Bank__c scb : {

    if (scb.Stage__c == 'Stem Cells Banked') { /*scb to oscb*/
      //initiate the object to put values for furture record
      ChargentOrders__ChargentOrder__c c = new ChargentOrders__ChargentOrder__c();

      //map Order fields to SCB that is being created for this Order
      c.Stem_Cell_Bank__c = scb.Id; /*scb to oscb*/

          c.ChargentOrders__Date__c =;
          c.Order_Item__c = 'Yearly Stem Cell Banking Fee';
        c.ChargentOrders__Payment_Start_Date__c = scb.Stem_Cells_Banked_Date__c.addYears(1);
        scb.addError('Cannot have empty stem cell bank date before stage is set to stem cell banked');
      //add this new object to the list that would be inserted later
    } //end if
  } //end for scb
  //once the loop is done, insert the new record to Order
    insert co;
  } catch (system.Dmlexception e) {


This seems to add a new record for all records with stage__c = 'Stem Cells Banked'


I need to add a new ChargentOrder record for existing Stem_Cell_Bank__c record only to the respective ID when Stage__c is updated to 'Stem Cells Banked'


I tried researching more about using oldMap and played around with the logic:


Stem_Cell_Bank__c oscb = Trigger.oldMap.get(scb.ID);


But having a hard time getting it work. Plus if I could add a checksum logic to only allow 2 ChargentOrder records to 1 Stem_Cell_Bank record it will help even more to not encounter these type of errors in the future


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


Thank you in advance



trigger createOrderforABFSCB on Stem_Cell_Bank__c (after update) {

    List<ChargentOrders__ChargentOrder__c> co = new List<ChargentOrders__ChargentOrder__c>();  
  for (Stem_Cell_Bank__c scb : {

    if (scb.Stage__c == 'Stem Cells Banked' && scb.Stage__c != trigger.oldMap.get(sbc.Id).Stage__c) { /*scb to oscb*/
      //initiate the object to put values for furture record
      ChargentOrders__ChargentOrder__c c = new ChargentOrders__ChargentOrder__c();

      //map Order fields to SCB that is being created for this Order
      c.Stem_Cell_Bank__c = scb.Id; /*scb to oscb*/

          c.ChargentOrders__Date__c =;
          c.Order_Item__c = 'Yearly Stem Cell Banking Fee';
        c.ChargentOrders__Payment_Start_Date__c = scb.Stem_Cells_Banked_Date__c.addYears(1);
        scb.addError('Cannot have empty stem cell bank date before stage is set to stem cell banked');
      //add this new object to the list that would be inserted later
    } //end if
  } //end for scb
  //once the loop is done, insert the new record to Order
    insert co;
  } catch (system.Dmlexception e) {




Hi Daniel,


Try modifying your if() to the following:

if (scb.Stage__c == 'Stem Cells Banked' && Trigger.oldMap.get(scb.Id).Stage__c != 'Stem Cells Banked') {


For the validation logic you would first need to retrieve any related ChargentOrder__c record that are related and put them in a map, keyed by the with a list of the orders as the value.  Then you can add another if to your body to prevent more from being created if 2 exist.


trigger createOrderforABFSCB on Stem_Cell_Bank__c (after update) {
    List<ChargentOrders__ChargentOrder__c> co = new List<ChargentOrders__ChargentOrder__c>();  
    map<id, list<ChargentOrders__ChargentOrder__c>> existingOrders = new map<id, list<ChargentOrders__cChargentOrder__c>>();
    for (ChargentOrders__ChargentOrder__c c : [SELECT Id, Stem_Cell_Bank__c FROM ChargentOrders__ChargentOrder__c WHERE Id IN :]){
		existingOrders.put(c.Stem_Cell_Bank__c,new list<ChargentOrders__ChargentOrder__c>{c});

  for (Stem_Cell_Bank__c scb : {

    if (scb.Stage__c == 'Stem Cells Banked' && trigger.oldMap().get( != 'Stem Cells Banked') { /*scb to oscb*/
      if (!existingOrders.containsKey( || existingOrders.get( < 2){
      //initiate the object to put values for furture record
      ChargentOrders__ChargentOrder__c c = new ChargentOrders__ChargentOrder__c();

      //map Order fields to SCB that is being created for this Order
      c.Stem_Cell_Bank__c = scb.Id; /*scb to oscb*/

          c.ChargentOrders__Date__c =;
          c.Order_Item__c = 'Yearly Stem Cell Banking Fee';
        c.ChargentOrders__Payment_Start_Date__c = scb.Stem_Cells_Banked_Date__c.addYears(1);
        scb.addError('Cannot have empty stem cell bank date before stage is set to stem cell banked');
      //add this new object to the list that would be inserted later
    } //end if
  } //end for scb
  //once the loop is done, insert the new record to Order
    insert co;
  } catch (system.Dmlexception e) {


 Hope that gets you started!



Jake GmerekJake Gmerek
You seem to be on the right track with the trigger.oldmap. You should be able to do something like this:

if( scb.stage__c != trigger.oldmap.get(scb.ID).stage__c && scb.stage__c == 'Stem Cells Banked')
... add your logic

As for the checksum, if you the relationship between Stem_Cell_Bank and ChargentOrder is Master-Detail you can do a roll up field and validate on that. However if it is just a lookup relationship, then you would have to include the validation in your trigger. Let me know which it is and I can help you more from there.