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salesforce and lotus notes integration



Can anyone please help me regarding integration of lotus notes to salesforce.





Please elaborate on what kind of integration you are looking for?


There is app available which you can try for integration of Lotus notes with Salesforce:


It is a paid app. I am lokking for any free app or any other way to sync Lotus Notes with SFDC.


Hey Vishal,


Salesforce did have a plugin to synchronize Lotus Notes with Salesforce but the application and its support has been discontinued.

I searched but unfortunately am not able to spot any non paid apps for this integration.


If its only email integration you are looking for - I can still suggest you to go with using Email to Salesforce(E2S) - just forward the email from lotus notes to your E2S address and it will be added to the record - contact/lead.


Hope this helps!


Sonam,  Can we use any APEX API to integrate salesforce to Lotus Notes?


Yes, I believe you will have to write an application that can use the Salesforce SOAP API (WSDL) to integrate Salesforce with Lotus notes.


do you have any link or some document through which i get to know about how to call salesforce api in lotus notes enviournment.


I couldn't find code specific to Lotus Note environment  but, yes, the following cookbook recipe gives a good level of description of how SF WSDL can be consumed and application can be written for SF integration:

Khurram RafiKhurram Rafi
Hi Sonam,

It's been a long time since you last sent your suggestion.
I have a requirement to intergrate salesforce with Lotus Notes to move Contacts, Emails and Calender. Our first priority is to look for a unpaid solution for this. Is there anything new arrived as a 'Best Practice' for this.

Khurram Rafi
skype : engg.khurram.rafi
Khurram RafiKhurram Rafi
Hi Sonam,

One Important point!
We only want to move Contacts, Emails and Calender from Lotus Notes to Salesforce (unidirectional).

Khurram Rafi
skype : engg.khurram.rafi
Enrico Maria BalattiEnrico Maria Balatti

I have the same requirement: integration between Lotus Notes and Salesforce (mainly calendar event and task). Is there any free solution?
Any server side solution?

Koustubh KulkarniKoustubh Kulkarni
Hello friends,

I have similar requrirement now. I want to implement bidirectional sync between salesforce and Lotus notes.I have a requirement to intergrate salesforce with Lotus Notes to move Contacts,Accounts,Opportunity, Tasks and Calender. I am looking for custom solution for this. Any ideas?
