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Trigger to catch duplicate from multiple fields
Hi Everyone,
I am new to apex so this should be a simple question. I have a custom object with string fields. No duplicate should occur in any of these fields(before insert and before update).
I just want to add the duplictes to a list and in the end allow insert only if the list is NULL.
An easier solution is to mark the fields as unique - that way the platform will enforce the uniqueness. You can only do this on three fields however.
Trigger CheckDuplicate on Object__c(before insert, before update){
List<Object__c> Obj=new List<Object__c>([Select id, CustomField1__c, CustomField2__c from Object__c]);
if(obj1.CustomField1__c==obj.CustomField1__c && obj1.CustomField2__c==obj.CustomField2__c)
obj1.addError('record already exist');
You can check number of fields by this way just adding those in if statement. Try this one
I don't think this would work very well with a large number of records in the system - the SOQL query wouldn't scale past 50,000 and you could well hit governor limits if you are processing several thousand records for each entry in the list (which could contain 200 entries).
I'd be more inclined to build a list of the field values present in the trigger, then query for all records whose field value is present in the list, then process the results to match up the dupes.
As I say, you can do this through configuration which will be a lot more efficient as the database layer will take care of it.
Hi Bob,
The uniqueness that the platform offers is restricted to just one field, right? I want uniqueness between 3 different fields.
Hi Nitin,
I tried your code but the following error ocurs
Error: Compile Error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST<Custom_obj__c> at line 11 column 19
Intead of bulkify the trigger.
I think this will be helpful.
I used your code by replacing the 'and' in the query with 'or'. The edited code is given below
Mason__c is the object and name is used as phone_no_1.
But the trigger is always fired for non-duplicate entries too. Is there something I am missing ?
Since you are using or condition just for test purpose.
use this approach
When you set all field1,field2 and field3..
if(field1==null || field1=='')
if(field2==null || field2=='')
Put this if condition before doing soql;
If this work ,let me know...
Also there need some improvement in the of now there may arise null exception.
It is still preventing non-duplicate entries too. The same problem happens with another trigger code I tried for this purpose. In that trigger it points the current record Id itself (the record in as the record in which duplicate is found.
Is it possible that any of my salesfoce configuration is getting in the way of the trigger ?
Hi Nishan,
Here is the trigger to check duplicate based on three fields.
trigger leadDuplicatePreventer on Lead
Map<String, Lead> leadMap = new Map<String, Lead>();
Map<String, Lead> leadMap1 = new Map<String, Lead>();
Map<String, Lead> leadMap2 = new Map<String, Lead>();
for (Lead lead : {
// Make sure we don't treat an email address that
// isn't changing during an update as a duplicate.
if ((System.Trigger.isInsert || System.Trigger.isUpdate || (lead.Email !=
(lead.FirstName !=
(before insert, before update) {
System.Trigger.oldMap.get(lead.Id).Email) &&
System.Trigger.oldMap.get(lead.Id).FirstName) && (lead.LastName !=
System.Trigger.oldMap.get(lead.Id).LastName) )) {
// Make sure another new lead isn't also a duplicate
if (leadMap.containsKey(lead.Email) && (leadMap1.containsKey(lead.FirstName)
) &&(leadMap2.containsKey(lead.LastName)) ) {
lead.addError('Invalid Data');
else {
leadMap.put(lead.Email, lead);
// Using a single database query, find all the leads in
// the database that have the same email address as any
// of the leads being inserted or updated.
for (Lead lead : [SELECT Email,FirstName,LastName FROM Lead
2.KeySet()]) {
Lead newLead = leadMap.get(lead.Email);
newLead.addError('Review All');
Lead newLead1 = leadMap1.get(lead.Company);
newLead1.Company.addError('A lead with this Company'
WHERE Email IN :leadMap.KeySet() and FirstName IN:leadMap1.KeySet() and LastName IN:leadMap
+ 'address already exists.');*/
String errMsg ='A Lead with this Company & Processing Origin already exists';
Map<String, Lead> leadMap1 = new Map<String, Lead>();
Map<String, Lead> leadMap2 = new Map<String, Lead>();
for (Lead lead :
if (System.Trigger.isInsert || (System.Trigger.isUpdate &&
( != System.Trigger.oldMap.get(lead.Id).company || lead.processing_origin__c != System.Trigger.oldMap.get(lead.Id).processing_origin__c)))
// Make sure another new lead isn't also a duplicate
if (leadMap1.containsKey( && leadMap2.containsKey(lead.processing_origin__c))
// Using a single database query, find all the leads in
// the database that have the same email address as any
// of the leads being inserted or updated.
for (Lead lead : [SELECT company,processing_origin__c FROM Lead where company IN:leadMap1.KeySet() and processing_origin__c IN:leadMap2.keySet()])
Lead newLead = leadMap1.get(;;
Existing leads:
Company Origin
C1 O1
C2 O2
New Leads:
Company Origin
C1 O2 - Will be erroneously flagged as a duplicate.
C2 O1
trigger avoidDupInsert on Account(before insert)
Map<String,Account> newAccountsMap = new Map<String,Account>();
Map<String,Account> existingAccountsMap = new Map<String,Account>();
for(Account acc:
newAccountsMap.put(acc.Name,new Account(Name = acc.Name,Phone = acc.Phone));
for(Account acc : [Select name,phone from Account where name in: newAccountsMap.keySet()])
existingAccountsMap.put(acc.Name,new Account(Name = acc.Name,Phone = acc.Phone));
for(Account acc :
if(existingAccountsMap.get(acc.Name) == newAccountsMap.get(acc.Name))
acc.addError('Duplicate Record -----');
trigger avoidDupInsertOnAccount on Account(before insert,before update)
Set<Account> existingSet = new Set<Account>();
Set<String> accPhoneList = new Set<String>();
for(Account acc:
for(Account acc : [Select name,phone from Account where Phone in: accPhoneList])
for(Account acc :
acc.addError('----- Duplicate Record -----');
public Account getAccountWithDupKey(Account acc)
return(new Account(Name = acc.Name,Phone = acc.Phone));