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How to Remove some text from string

Hi all,


we want get only 80 characters from string. If sting have above 80 characters, get only 80 characters from string. How to Remove last characters.


Thank you



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Dhaval PanchalDhaval Panchal



You can use str.left(80).

i.e. String str = 'fdsafdsafdsfdsfdsaf';

system.debug('>>>>' + str.left(80));

here you need not to check lenght of str.


You can also use Substring method.


i.e System.debug('>>>>' + str.substring(0,80));

but it will generate error is length of str is less than 80 so you need to check length before using this

All Answers

Dhaval PanchalDhaval Panchal



You can use str.left(80).

i.e. String str = 'fdsafdsafdsfdsfdsaf';

system.debug('>>>>' + str.left(80));

here you need not to check lenght of str.


You can also use Substring method.


i.e System.debug('>>>>' + str.substring(0,80));

but it will generate error is length of str is less than 80 so you need to check length before using this

This was selected as the best answer
String originalString="A String with more than 80 characters.....";
String myString = originalString.substring(0,80);

The myString now has the first 80 characters.

Hope this helps!
Satish Kumar
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Yes and as dapanchal mentioned, you need to check for the length of the string as well.

Satish Kumar