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Sam MohyeeSam Mohyee 

Correctly passing lists by reference for a recursive function



I'm writing a recursive method to discover all the child accounts for a given parent account (at all levels, not just immediate children).


My code right now:


    //Recursively goes through child accounts and adds to ID_Group list.
    public static List<ID> Get_Children(ID mainID, List<ID> ID_Group){        
        for(Account child :[SELECT ID, ParentID FROM Account WHERE ParentID = :mainID]){
            if(child.ParentId == mainID){ /*IF clause to make sure SOQL returned an actual account*/
            	Get_Children(, ID_Group);
return ID_Group; }


Basically, the function is passed a list of IDs whose first element is the 'main' or starting ID, from which we want to find all children account (for my larger program I happen to separate out the first element and pass it as a separate variable than the list itself).


You can see that as the for loop iterates through all the immediate children, their IDs are added to the main list, and then a recursive branch is created to go through all the children of each of those children, and so on. 


The issue I have right now is with the return clause - after all, isn't it true that as written this function will return an ID_Group list for EACH branch of the recursion? I wish for the function to finish all its recursive branches, add all the children IDs to the list, and THEN return the list when there are no more recursions.


I thought I might do that by passing a reference to the list, so the list can be populated by the method and not have to be returned afterward (ie, I would just be able to reference the list variable in another method later, and it would still be populated from this recursive method). 


How could I accomplish this? I understand passing by reference in APEX/java is different than in C, and may not get me what I want.