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Problem invoking apex class from a button

Hi to all.

I am copying the behaviour of a button into a new button.


I want to invoke an Apex class from a button.


This is my code for the class:


global class  Observacion {

webservice static  String insertarComentario(String comentario,Id id){
		System.debug('entramos en insertar comentario con los siguientes parámetros');

		Observaciones__c obs = new Observaciones__c(observacion__c=comentario,comentario__c=id);
		insert obs;
			}catch(Exception e){
				System.debug('Error insertando observación ' + e.getMessage());
				return 'KO';
	return 'OK';		


And this is the code inside the button:


 And when I click on the button, I obtain following error :

A problem with the OnClick JavaScript for this button or link was encountered:

{faultcode:'soapenv:Client',faultstring:'No service available for class 'Observacion",}


I've been reading in other posts and some peple suggest that it could be a namespace problem, but I don't have any namespaces.

the original code, that it's working fine, is this:

var s = sforce.apex.execute("Escalateaccount","escalate", {varId: leadid });


Any tip?


I'm sorry.

All was Ok.

But I was creating the class in one sandbox and testing in another one.