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Issue regarding web to case insert in sandbox
I have a task, in which, I need to insert case from web form. It is working fine in my developer sandbox. But, when I push same code to my staging sandbox and submit the web form and try to insert the case, it throws the below exception:
System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: QUERY_TIMEOUT, Your query request was running for too long.: []
And the problem is that, It is happening for only one or two time, after that, It worked perfectly in staging sandbox.
What could be the root cause of this issue. I would request to share your experiences please. Your help will be highly appreciated.
Please confirm if there is any trigger working on case for insert event. If yes, please share code snippet.
Happy to help you!
Yes, there are many triggers are working on this. But same are working on dev sandbox.
And this error generates only 1 or 2 times. After that, works perfectly.
Could u suggest ,what wud be the root cause?
In dev sandbox, data is always very less, so this type of error is tough to replicate. However, I am assuming your staging sandbox has huge amount of data. Could you please inactivate all triggers on your staging sandbox and try to run your web-to-case and see if it is working fine. If it works fine, it will be established that there is issue with existing triggers, otherwise we will look at other options.
If this could be the reason, then It would fail every time. Now I am submitting the form successfully. Probleb occurus, when we submit from any new range of IP, or new system. Exceptions generates only once or twice.