DatePicker date format is "5 December, 2013", how to compare with this datepicker date and object datetime field in query using apex ? Please guide me.
If you are comparing a date field with date time, time wont be ever matched. What you can do is: Parse the date picker value and create a date instance: like Date.newInstance(year, month, day) and then convert your datetime field in date and compare.
Please guide me how to parse this date like '8 January, 2014'(came from jquery string format) formate to date instance? and camparing with datetime field.
Parse the date picker value and create a date instance:
Date.newInstance(year, month, day) and then convert your datetime field in date and compare.
Hi Bhawani sharmi,
Please guide me how to parse this date like '8 January, 2014'(came from jquery string format) formate to date instance? and camparing with datetime field.
sure you write a method to get the month value from string.
Bhavi Sharma
Certified Salesforce Consultant
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Thank you Bhawani Sharma