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Test code help needed
I have rewritten a class which originally had its test code within the actual class. I am now trying to move this test code into its own class and am getting some errors.
Whenever I run this test I get an error saying "Attempting to de-reference a null object".
Here is the full code :
I have rewritten a class which originally had its test code within the actual class. I am now trying to move this test code into its own class and am getting some errors.
Whenever I run this test I get an error saying "Attempting to de-reference a null object".
Here is the full code :
private class TestCSHOrgModelQuarterly {
static Id getRecordTypeId(String sObjectType, String Name) {
return [select id from recordtype where sobjecttype=:sObjectType and name=:Name limit 1].id;
static final Id A_MM_Rectype = getRecordTypeId('Organization_Model__c','Global');
User User1;
Organization_Model__c Org1;
//CSH_New__c csh1, csh2, cshErr;
String u; // Unique number for this test run.
TestCSHOrgModelQuarterly() {
// Create a unique string for this test so we're never confused with existing data.
u =;
// Create the two users:
Profile p = [select id from profile where name='Standard User'];
User1 = new User(LastName=u+'Test2', email='', CompanyName='BCD Testing', Country='USAISTAN', Department='Sales', Title='Tester 2', alias='test2',
username='', emailencodingkey='UTF-8', languagelocalekey='en_US', localesidkey='en_US', profileid = p.Id, timezonesidkey='America/Los_Angeles',
Division='North America', isActive = True);
insert User1;
Org1 = new Organization_Model__c(Name=u+'Test2', recordtypeid=A_MM_Rectype, Org_Model_CSH_to_be_completed_by__c =, Org_Model_CSH__c = 'Quarterly');
insert Org1;
// Note: Satisfied comes *after* unhappy, so that's the one we should be cloning.
static testMethod void testReview() {
// Reduce the number of message we get during debugging.
// All we're really doing is setting up the data, calling the routine, and checking the results.
TestCSHOrgModelQuarterly x = new TestCSHOrgModelQuarterly();
Date tod = Date.Today();
// Calculate the dates we might use for AM_Completion depending on record type.
Date AM_Date_10 = Date.newInstance(tod.addMonths(1).year(),tod.addMonths(1).month(),10);
Date AM_Date_15 = Date.newInstance(tod.addMonths(1).year(),tod.addMonths(1).month(),15);
//Integer nCSHatStart = [select count() from CSH_New__c where Name like :unique and CreatedDate = Today];
//system.debug('Number of CSH\'s before the run is: ' + nCSHatStart);
// Instantiate the class which runs the code.
CSHOrgModelQuarterly CSHR = new CSHOrgModelQuarterly();
String xxx = CSHR.doReview(true);
And the error is referencing these two lines :
insert User1;
TestCSHOrgModelQuarterly x = new TestCSHOrgModelQuarterly();
Does this mean my test records are not being made or is that something else ? I really appreciate any help I can get.
Thank you.
And the error is referencing these two lines :
insert User1;
TestCSHOrgModelQuarterly x = new TestCSHOrgModelQuarterly();
Does this mean my test records are not being made or is that something else ? I really appreciate any help I can get.
Thank you.
there you are trying to insert a user, which is not good idea if you just want a user Id
If you just want to have a users id the go for this method "userInfo.getUserId()" this method will give you current users Id, At this point no need to insert a user in test class.
And about that error , you have not provided a value that should be intered, you didn't provided the maine class, So not so confident about this
For test class basics refer this post
All Answers
there you are trying to insert a user, which is not good idea if you just want a user Id
If you just want to have a users id the go for this method "userInfo.getUserId()" this method will give you current users Id, At this point no need to insert a user in test class.
And about that error , you have not provided a value that should be intered, you didn't provided the maine class, So not so confident about this
For test class basics refer this post
Abhi - Thank you very much for the advice on the userInfo.getUserId() method. I am a beginner and have never been shown that before.
As it is right now, my code looks like this :
I am getting this error when attempting to save it :
Do you have any idea why I'm getting that ? I can't see what's wrong here.
Thank you very much for any help you can give.
You cannot compare a field to value to an instance of a class, and you are initiallizing that class in your method, give me your email id i'll send you a test class for reference