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Page needs a refresh After Insert

I have a after insert, after update trigger that calls a class with @future annotation.


When i insert a record, a field in the record gets populated with a value based on existing records in the data base.


My trigger is working well but after i insert a record, I have to do do F5 (i.e refresh) to see the field value.



I don't have to do F5 on update, it's only on insert.


Is there any way to refresh the page after the (after insert) trigger is fired ?


I don't have any VFP. It's a standard page.


It's strange that sometimes the field is updated immediately after insert, without having to refresh.


i read a post with similar issue which doesn't resolve my problem.








Force TechieForce Techie
You had mentioned that your calling class has @future annotated so when any method is annotated as @future it hits a future callout or future processing should be go so you had to manually refresh you detail page after DML operation. Sometimes it should reflect on after perform DML operation instantly its all depend upon future handler processing time.