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Need Help on Trigger to restrict contact owner update from account
The requirement is to stop updating contact owner when the account owner is changed based on below 2 criterias
1.if the account_rating__c='High Rater'
I would suggest you to replace the map value with the trigger's old value. i.e. :
mapAccountId_OwnerId.put(a.Id, a.OwnerId); ------------------> mapAccountId_OwnerId.put(a.Id, Trigger.oldMap.get(a.Id).OwnerId);
This would replace Contact's Owner with Account's old Owner, Since it is standard functionality to update child's owner with parent's owner, This way you can update contact with old owner and hence indirectly avoid updating with parent's new owner.
Hi Jiah,
Thx for the reply. But this is not working as expected.
Whenever I am changing from user A to user B its updating the the contact owner as user A which should not be the case.
The requirement is to update contact owner to user B always (standard functionality).
But the contact owner should not change:
1.if account_rating__c='High Rater' OR
2. new account owner (user B) = Chief Marketing Officer (account ownerid=005d0000001Jm8k)
Hope i am clear now.
Pls advise.
Since it is the standard functionality, only thing you can do is reverse it based on your condition.