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Whats is diff betwn Inner class and Wrapper class?Pls Explain

Hi All,


Is there any diff between Inner class and Wrapper classes?pls explain...

what does mean Inner Wrpper class?




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

This is more of a OOD/ data modeling question. Here is a practical approach I use with both concepts on I use Wrapper classes is used primary as another alternative to inheritance, if I can not extend a class  (described as 'is a' ) then use of a wrapper class would be used to enforce a 'has a' relationship. There are more uses, especially when implementing design patterns, but most of the time is how I have used wrapper class concept. Here is a great write up on wrapper class, Wrapper Class tutorial.  


Inner class is helper/utility class, keeps code lean and clean. In practice, I have mainly used inner class with Visual Force Controllers, mainly to represent data to View (VF Page) in a desired way outside of SObject's structure stored. Here is an example here, Inner Class VF Tutorial.


In essence this is all about encapsulation and the data model in the end, so I would suggest to keep that in mind. Clean code is ideal. Hopefully this points you in the right direction. 



All Answers

Thanks for reply,

Can u explain in detail?Because I am confusing on Both inner and wrapper class



This is more of a OOD/ data modeling question. Here is a practical approach I use with both concepts on I use Wrapper classes is used primary as another alternative to inheritance, if I can not extend a class  (described as 'is a' ) then use of a wrapper class would be used to enforce a 'has a' relationship. There are more uses, especially when implementing design patterns, but most of the time is how I have used wrapper class concept. Here is a great write up on wrapper class, Wrapper Class tutorial.  


Inner class is helper/utility class, keeps code lean and clean. In practice, I have mainly used inner class with Visual Force Controllers, mainly to represent data to View (VF Page) in a desired way outside of SObject's structure stored. Here is an example here, Inner Class VF Tutorial.


In essence this is all about encapsulation and the data model in the end, so I would suggest to keep that in mind. Clean code is ideal. Hopefully this points you in the right direction. 



This was selected as the best answer

Hi Caleb,


Thanks for expalination..



This Inner class concept  only collecting data in Only  single  object or we can use multiple object data displaying in the table? 


But in Wrapper classes concept  we can collect data more than one object and displaying in the table.








Bad practice to include more than one object within an inner class in general. However it can be useful when displaying cross data within a table on a VF page.


The Wrapper class is much more robust concept past VisualForce pages, especially within large implementations.


If my previous exploitation answered the question could you mark it as the solution? Thank you.


