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Outlook Edition 3 for Outlook 2007 - E-mails are sent to Draft's folder

This is slightly more complex than the subject, however I hope that this helps a few of you may be having problems with the Add and Send feature integration with Outlook 2007


When Edition 3 was first installed and I used the Send and Add button for a new e-mail the SF dialog appeared and the contact was chosen.  After clicking on Add to SalesForce SF opens to the completed task as it should.  The e-mail however was NOT sent.  It was retained in the Drafts folder of Outlook and never sends unless you open it and click on the Outlook Send button.


This is a known bug and SF support had a work around.  In your Outlook E-mail settings make sure that Send Immediately is checked.  (It appears you have to restart Outlook for the fix to take) This still sends the e-mail initially to the Drafts folder and within 10 or 15 seconds sends the e-mail and the e-mail is transferred to the Sent folder. Why the drafts folder is a mystery!


If however you go one step further and Choose the Related To tab with Send and Add and choose an object (in this case an account) to relate the e-mail to and then click on add to SalesForce the e-mail is sent immediately without ending up the drafts folder.


I'm sure SF would appreciate any additional comments on this bug.




I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've noticed a further (more problematic) issue that stems from this "Drafts" bug.
When I finish my email, and hit "send and add", everything seems to work fine. The email gets sent to the customer fine, gets added to SFDC fine. However, the email that is placed in the "sent items" in outlook is not the full email! It is an older email that was saved to drafts - and is almost always not the complete email, so from Outlook's point of view, it seems like I have sent half-finished emails (stopped mid sentence) to my customers. I have checked with my customers and they are receving the correct (compelted) emails, but it seems like SF is adding the incomplete draft message to the Sent Items, rather than the finished, sent, email. This causes problems for searching and also scares the pants off my fellow VP's.
The other symptom of this problem I've noticed is that if I'm off-site, and I log into exchange via HTTP, my 'sent items' folder will have unread messages in it - these are the half-finished emails that were added by salesforce. Outlook on my laptop where I sent the emails from does not report these as unread, but any other instance of outlook (web, or another PC in the office) reports these truncated sent items as "unread".
Any workaround/bugfix?