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Edwin Vijay
Date field does not display in VF
This is how a field of type DATE/TIME got displayed in a data table... I am using a custom controller to query the database and get this value.. Do i need to do any type conversion to display this date in proper format
This is how a field of type DATE/TIME got displayed in a data table... I am using a custom controller to query the database and get this value.. Do i need to do any type conversion to display this date in proper format
Thread here
No idea if it's fixed yet, but I did consider it a bug, albeit pretty low priority.
<apex:dataTable value="{!results}" var="res" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="1" id="table">
<apex:column ><apex:facet name="header">Submitted Date</apex:facet> {!res.Submitted_Date__c}</apex:column>
This is the code i used for displaying a field of type date/time...
The first time i saved this page i got the following value in place of SUBMITTED DATE...
I opened the same VF page after some time... and i got the desired output...
What would be your suggestions for this...