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Divide detail page of an object in multiple tabs,retaining standard buttons


Supposing opportunity detail page is there and I need to "divide" that
page in 5 tabs(these are not the ones for related lists)...

Say there are 10 fields,3 standard buttons...and we want a scenario like:
1st tab: 2 fields
2nd tab: 2 fields..and so on.

Also retaining the standard buttons, on top of page...thoughts would be highly appreciated.
Maybe [this] could get you started?

//Johan Liljegren, Sweden
Hey Thanks for this, but I need to divide "detail" page in tabs. This example shows tabs of "related lists".
Do I have to create entire page(with tabs) by myself and kind of replicate the entire oppty object, then override  the view and standard buttons? or is there any other solution.

Brendan LallyBrendan Lally
u will need to 'chop up' your detail record into sections and each section (in its own tab - as per Tabbed Account example) is then its own apex screen and associated VF code behind that.
I believe there is an opportunity wizard example that shows PREV/NEXT page navigation (but likely not needed as u'll have Tabs)

However beware limitations (see my post -
