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Jina ChetiaJina Chetia 

checkbox not getting displayed when page renderas pdf

I am rendering a page as a 'pdf' and i have used 'renderAs' attribute of apex:page. My page needs to have some checkbox on it but in pdf form those checkboxes are not visible. When I remove the renderAs='pdf' from the code, the page comes up properly with checkbox. How do I make those checkboxes visible in pdf?
 I tried using both apex:inputCheckBox and html checkbox but none of them works.
PDF generation does not support the use of input elements like checkboxes and these are automatically ignored during the conversion process from HTML to PDF. Can you provide more details about why you need to have checkboxes show in your PDF?
Jina ChetiaJina Chetia
I have a 'Department' field in my Account object and depending on the vale selected I want to show the respective chackbox as selected. I will have 3 checkboxes in my pdf for 3 different values of the 'Department' field and keep one selected depending on the value.
How do I go about achieving this?
And also since I am rendering the page as pdf, it opens up a pdf but at the same time opens up a blank window i.e the page. This is what I have done - From my previous page I call a Javascript function on click of the link 'Print Sheet'

and my signOff_sheet page is rendered as pdf i.e
<apex:page renderAs="pdf" controller="signOff_Controller" action="{!getContractTerms}">

The pdf opens in a new screen which is fine but I dont want a blank window to be opened where I see my page Editor and controller without anything in the main window as the page is rendered as 'pdf'. Is the blank screen visible because I am the system Admistrator and not the end user? How I avoid opening of the blank window?

Hi.. Jina..

I am also facing the same problem..

 1. How to avoid blank page in IE while renderas PDF..?

 2. How to add a checkbox in PDF...?

If u got a solution for it please post ur code here...

It will help us more....