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SOQL Question - Apex Data Loader - Unexpected Error

I am attempting to run a query from the Apex Data Loader in the Command Line mode. When I attempt to run the following query, I get the following error:



Select Opportunity.Probability, OpportunityLineItem.Quantity, PricebookEntry.ProductCode FROM Opportunity WHERE Opportunity.ID=OpportunityLineItem.OpportunityId AND OpportunityLineItem.PricebookEntryId=PricebookEntry.ID



 Error [csvAccountExtract] progress.NihilistProgressAdapter doneError <> Opportunity WHERE OpportunityLineItem.OpportunityId ERROR at Row:1:Column:128


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

After many hours of reading this is the query inside the java bean that worked:


Select Quantity, Opportunity.Probability, PricebookEntry.ProductCode, PricebookEntry.Product2.TestPeriod__c FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE Opportunity.Contract_Start_Date__c >2009-06-30 AND (PricebookEntry.ProductCode LIKE 'Bundle P%'OR PricebookEntry.ProductCode LIKE 'P-%') AND Opportunity.Probability > 59 


Hope this can help someone in the future.



All Answers


After reading some more, I believe that the Apex Data Loader will only allow queries with relationships of child to parent. What I am trying to do is get a file with the following three fields:


Probability from the Opportunity Table

Quantity from the OpportunityLineItem Table

ProductCode from the PricebookEntry Table


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.




After many hours of reading this is the query inside the java bean that worked:


Select Quantity, Opportunity.Probability, PricebookEntry.ProductCode, PricebookEntry.Product2.TestPeriod__c FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE Opportunity.Contract_Start_Date__c >2009-06-30 AND (PricebookEntry.ProductCode LIKE 'Bundle P%'OR PricebookEntry.ProductCode LIKE 'P-%') AND Opportunity.Probability > 59 


Hope this can help someone in the future.



This was selected as the best answer