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Basic error saving edited class in Eclipse

I was doing a Cookbook exercise.  I have successfully built other things in our work environment.
I connected to the server to load a new class into the src.
After cutting and pasting from the pdf into hte Force IDE and saving, I received this error.  Any ideas?

Errors (1 item)
Save error: An error occurred on your page.     Mass Email/src/classes    newOpportunityController.cls    line 0    1228663561720    9

Warnings (2 items)
File only saved locally, not to server                Mass Email/src/classes    newOpportunityController.cls    line 1    1228659437957    5
Save error: Associate metadata or source file failed to save.  File only saved locally, not to Salesforce.   
                                                                   Mass Email/src/classes    newOpportunityController.cls-meta.xml    line 1    1228663561720    10

hello aish,

i have recieved the Save error: An error occurred on your page.  message before.  I didn't know what it meant until I tried to save the class inside of Salesforce... i received an error that my visual force page wasn't created yet.  Check to see if your visual force page your controller is referencing has been created and then try to save again.

Hope this helps.