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inputText: unlimited number of fields

I have a problem using inputText. I know that you can save and use the value entered in an input field in a member variable of the associated control class. But what happens if I don't know how many input fields I need? Is there another possibility ex. using url parameters passing as many values as needed to the form controler?

Thanks for your help.
You can use a "List" and use or to capture all the input fields. Once you save, the values are automatically available in your List
Thanks for your answer, I don't know how I should do that, can you help me?
The following doesn't work:

<apex:inputText value="{!inputList}" />


Controller Apex Class
List<String> inputList;

public void setInputList(List<String> pValue){
    inputList= pValue;
public List<String> getInputList(){


Use or to display the same. For e.g.