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help to rectify java.lang.double error

i'm using the following code in my page to display sequence no on conditional basis ,but i'm getting the following error
            <apex:outputText rendered="{!IF(road.Sequence_Number__c==1,'True','False'}"/>
                                                                              <apex:outputText value="{!road.Sequence_Number__c}"/>
 Error-  java.lang.double
  can any one plz help me to overcome this Error

<apex: outputText rendered="{!IF(road.Sequence_Number__c = 1,'True','False'}"/>

<apex: outputText value="{!road.Sequence_Number__c}"/>
Slight change - be careful about confusing strings with booleans in rendered and you can simplify things anyway (if(condition, true, false) -> condition)

<apex: outputText rendered="{!road.Sequence_Number__c = 1}"/>
<apex: outputText value="{!road.Sequence_Number__c}"/>

although I suspect the type conversion issue will still remain - let me know if this does not improve things.