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Kevin LanguedocKevin Languedoc 

VF &

I have an page that contains a report with from an external database. The page has to be embedded into the VF page so the users can remain in the same page. How can I pass the current sf session id and sf server url require to authenticate to the page because the page needs account information form






Here is some code I have used to get the API Server URL and Session ID in a Visualforce Page and passing it to the Apex Controller:



<apex:page setup="true" controller="MyController" showHeader="false">

<apex:form >

<apex:outputpanel id="counter">

<apex:outputText value="Click Here To Login" />

<apex:actionSupport event="onclick" action="{!doLogin}" rerender="refreshId" status="counterStatus">

<apex:param name="sessionId" assignTo="{!apiSessionId}" value="{!$Api.Session_ID}" />

<apex:param name="serverURL" assignTo="{!apiServerURL}" value="{!$Api.Partner_Server_URL_140}" />




<apex:outputPanel id="refreshId">

<apex:outputText value="API Session Id: {!apiSessionId}"/><br></br>

<apex:outputText value="API Server URL: {!apiServerURL}"/><br></br>




 And here is a snippet of the controller:


public class MyController { public String apiSessionId {get;set;} public String apiServerURL {get;set;} public PageReference doLogin(){ System.debug('apiSessionId: ' + apiSessionId); System.debug('apiServerURL: ' + apiServerURL); return null; } }






Kevin LanguedocKevin Languedoc

Thanks for the information, it works great



Kevin LanguedocKevin Languedoc

I also tried this technique with success.



  <apex:pageblock >   

                <iframe src="http://localhost:2230/SomeApp/App.aspx?accname={!AccountNumber}&sessionId={!$@Api.Session_ID}&serverURL={!@$Api.Partner_Server_URL_140}" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="700"/>



Kevin LanguedocKevin Languedoc

please ignore my previous post, the sf server assumed that the content was a live link




 <apex:pageblock >   
             <iframe src="http://localhost:2230/AppFolder/ASPApp.aspx?accname={!AccountNumber}&sessionId={!@$Api.Session_ID}&serverURL={!@$Api.Partner_Server_URL_140}"  frameborder="0" width="100%" height="700"/>
