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Shwetal DesaiShwetal Desai 

Error for SelectList "Constructor not defined: "

I m trying to create a picklist in my visual force page using select list component...
this is my apex code:
 but its give me error: "Constructor not defined: [System.SelectOption].<Constructor>(Id, Double) at line 17 column 29"
what could be the reason??
Apex Code:
public String selectedContact {get;set;}
    public List<SelectOption> cardList;
    public List<SelectOption> getGiftCard ()
        POS__c posclt = [select Client__c from POS__c where id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('TId')];
        if (contactList == null)
         GiftCertificate__c[] gcard = [select Id,Name,GiftCardNo__c,Remaining__c,ExpiresOn__c
                        from GiftCertificate__c where Purchasedfor__c =: posclt.Client__c and ExpiresOn__c > and Remaining__c>0];           
         cardList = new List<SelectOption>();
         for(GiftCertificate__c gc : gcard)
            cardList.add(new SelectOption(, gc.GiftCardNo__c));
        return cardList;

Apex Code does not automatically coerce/convert numbers to strings and your custom field GiftCardNo__c is numeric. This should do the trick:

cardList.add(new SelectOption(, String.valueOf(gc.GiftCardNo__c)));


Shwetal DesaiShwetal Desai
Thanks Doug,

It works absolutely fine.......

Thanks for the guidance.....

Even i have the same problem.....but im actually passing a string but its not working....


Error: Compile Error: Constructor not defined: [System.SelectOption].<Constructor>(String) at line 31 column 25


public List<SelectOption> getItems()   


    List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();   

for( IM_Customer_Account__c i : con.getRecords())   


options.add(new SelectOption(;   


return options;   




Visualforce Error

Exception: Constructor not defined: [selectoption].<Constructor>(Id, String)

Error occurred loading controller 'dependentcls' for page hary:dependentpicklist

Rajgottipolu wrote:

Even i have the same problem.....but im actually passing a string but its not working....


Error: Compile Error: Constructor not defined: [System.SelectOption].<Constructor>(String) at line 31 column 25


public List<SelectOption> getItems()   


    List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();   

for( IM_Customer_Account__c i : con.getRecords())   


options.add(new SelectOption(;   


return options;   






<apex:page controller="dependentcls" renderAs="pdf" >
<apex:form >

<apex:selectList value="{!selectedAccount}" size="1" >
<apex:selectOptions value="{!options}"/>
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!getContacts}" rerender="out" />

<apex:outputpanel id="out">
<apex:selectList size="1" disabled="{!show}" >
<apex:selectOptions value="{!conoptions}"/>

<apex:selectCheckboxes layout="pagedirection">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!options}"/>





public with sharing class dependentcls {
public List<SelectOption> options{get; set;}
public List<SelectOption> conoptions{get; set;}
public dependentcls(){
List<Account> lst = [Select id, name from Account];
show = true;
options = new List<SelectOption>();

for(Account acc : lst){
options.add(new SelectOption(acc.Id,;

public boolean show {get; set;}
public string selectedAccount{get; set;}
public void getContacts(){
show = true;
List<Contact> lstcon = [Select id, name from Contact where accountid=:selectedAccount];

conoptions = new List<SelectOption>();

for(Contact con : lstcon){
conoptions.add(new SelectOption(con.Id,;

show = false;


static testmethod void m1(){

Account acc = new Account();
acc.Name ='test';
acc.Phone = '1234';
insert acc;

Contact c = new Contact();
c.lastname ='test';
insert c;

dependentcls obj = new dependentcls();

