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Customizing Built-in (FCKeditor) Rich Text Editor in Winter '09
I started a thread on this a while ago about this and didn't really get anywhere, but it seems like a new one can be started for Winter 09, since it looks like the Dojo rich-text editor that was available in Summer 08 has been replaced with FCKeditor in Winter 09.
Still wondering about the same question- does anyone know if it's possible to configure and customize this editor? But now I'm hoping there will be an answer since the editor has been changed.
In particular, there's an option for
FCKConfig.ForcePasteAsPlainText = true ;
that I would really like to use, because otherwise my users can paste all kinds of messy text formatting in there. In the default setup it's set to false.
I tried just inserting it between <script> tags but that doesn't work.
I started a thread on this a while ago about this and didn't really get anywhere, but it seems like a new one can be started for Winter 09, since it looks like the Dojo rich-text editor that was available in Summer 08 has been replaced with FCKeditor in Winter 09.
Still wondering about the same question- does anyone know if it's possible to configure and customize this editor? But now I'm hoping there will be an answer since the editor has been changed.
In particular, there's an option for
FCKConfig.ForcePasteAsPlainText = true ;
that I would really like to use, because otherwise my users can paste all kinds of messy text formatting in there. In the default setup it's set to false.
I tried just inserting it between <script> tags but that doesn't work.
We do not have any built in customization for the rich text editor at this time and therefore anything you do from javascript will be at your own risk. Maybe it would be better for you to create your own custom component using your favorite rich text editor? That way you'll have full control.
If there are specific ways you'd like to customize the editor (maybe some new attributes to control various features?), I'd encourage you to post those specifics to the idea exchange.
I actually tried running many different JS rich text editors in Summer 08 -- TinyMCE, YUI's editor, WYMeditor, jwysiwyg, Dojo editor run externally -- but I couldn't get any of them to run properly in that version of Visualforce.
I had assumed that they still would not work in Winter 09, but I'm pleasantly surprised to report that TinyMCE seems to work for the most part Winter 09.
I'm still working on getting the TinyMCE plugin feature I wanted to work-- pasting with a special popup that removes external formatting, I think because it involves including additional scripts, but seems doable now.
I'm guessing others may work as well, but that's the one I'm most familiar with and it works.
Message Edited by ptepper on 10-21-2008 09:19 AM
Maybe someone else has a solution.